Olumayowa Igado
Olumayowa Igado
Veterinary Anatomy, University of Ibadan
Підтверджена електронна адреса в mail1.ui.edu.ng
Morphological and biochemical investigation into the possible neuroprotective effects of kolaviron (Garcinia kola bioflavonoid) on the brains of rats exposed to …
OO Igado, JO Olopade, A Adesida, OO Aina, EO Farombi
Drug and chemical toxicology 35 (4), 371-380, 2012
A case of craniothoracopagus (monocephalus thoracopagus tetrabrachius) in a dog
HO Nottidge, TO Omobowale, JO Olopade, OO Oladiran, OO Ajala
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 36 (3), 179-181, 2007
A review on the possible neuroprotective effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract
OO Igado, JO Olopade
Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences 31 (2), 183-187, 2016
Evidence of environmental pollution in caprine brains obtained from a relatively unindustrialized area in nigeria.
OO Igado, JO Olopade, SK Onwuka, AC Onwuka, OA Daramola, UE Ajufo
African Journal of Biomedical Research 11 (3), 2008
Skull typology and morphometrics of the Nigerian local dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
OO Igado
Niger J Physiol Sci 32 (2), 153-8, 2017
Investigation into the hematological and liver enzyme changes at different stages of gestation in the West African dwarf goat (Capra hircus L.)
OO Igado, OO Ajala, MO Oyeyemi
International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 3 (5), 277-281, 2011
The ameliorative effects of a phenolic derivative of Moringa oleifera leave against vanadium-induced neurotoxicity in mice
OO Igado, A Andrioli, IA Azeez, F Girolamo, M Errede, OO Aina, J Glaser, ...
IBRO reports 9, 164-182, 2020
Isolation of a novel compound (MIMO2) from the methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera leaves: protective effects against vanadium-induced cytotoxity
OO Igado, J Glaser, M Ramos-Tirado, EE Bankoğlu, FA Atiba, ...
Drug and Chemical Toxicology 41 (3), 249-258, 2018
Neurometry and neurocraniometry of the Nigerian local dog (Canis lupus familiaris)
OO Igado
Journal of Veterinary Anatomy 4 (2), 99-109, 2011
Rostrofacial indices of the Nigerian local dog: implications in veterinary oral and maxillo-facial anaesthesiology of the dolichocephalic canine breed
OO Igado
International Journal of Morphology 32 (2), 738-743, 2014
Some aspects of the neurometrics and oculometrics of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) in Nigéria
OO Igado, OO Aina
Journal of Morphological Sciences 27 (3-4), 0-0, 2010
An overview of the orexinergic system in different animal species
IA Azeez, OO Igado, JO Olopade
Metabolic Brain Disease 36 (7), 1419-1444, 2021
Gross Morphometric Studies on the Tongue, Buccal Cavity and Hard Palate of the Fruit Bat (Eidolon helvum)
OO Igado, TO Omobowale, RA Ajadi, HO Nottidge
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 44 (4), 283-287, 2015
Gross morphometric study of the eyeball and tongue of the Nigerian local dog.
O Olawumi Igado
IJAE: Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology: 116, 2, 2011, 104-110, 2011
Some aspects of the craniofacial indices and macro neurometrics of the Nigerian local pig (Sus scrofa)
JO Olopade, OO Igado, CI Nwafor, AO Alamu, SK Onwuka
Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology 116 (1), 38-44, 2011
Craniofacial morphometrics and macro-neurometrics of the fruit bat (Eidolon helvum)
OO Igado, TO Omobowale, RA Ajadi, HO Nottidge
European Journal of Anatomy 16 (3), 172-176, 2012
Morphometric investigation of the occipital area of the adult Nigerian Local Dogs
OO Igado, OK Ekeolu
African Journal of Biomedical Research 17 (2), 125-128, 2014
Congenital dysgenesis (brachiomelia) of the forearm amongst West African Dwarf triplet kids in Nigeria: a Case Report
JO Olopade, TO Omobowale, OO Igado
Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences 9 (2), 2010
The effect of honey and vitamin c on the response of dogs to anti-rabies vaccination
OO Igado, TO Omobowale, HO Nottidge
Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences 9 (2), 2010
Mokola virus antibodies in humans, dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, and goats in Nigeria
HO Nottidge, TO Omobowale, OO Oladiran
International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine 5 (3), 105, 2007
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