Wenjing DENG
Wenjing DENG
Education University of Hong Kong
Підтверджена електронна адреса в friends.eduhk.hk
Export of toxic chemicals–a review of the case of uncontrolled electronic-waste recycling
MH Wong, SC Wu, WJ Deng, XZ Yu, Q Luo, AOW Leung, CSC Wong, ...
Environmental pollution 149 (2), 131-140, 2007
Atmospheric levels and cytotoxicity of PAHs and heavy metals in TSP and PM2. 5 at an electronic waste recycling site in southeast China
WJ Deng, PKK Louie, WK Liu, XH Bi, JM Fu, MH Wong
Atmospheric Environment 40 (36), 6945-6955, 2006
Antibiotic residues in food: extraction, analysis, and human health concerns
J Chen, GG Ying, WJ Deng
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 67 (27), 7569-7586, 2019
Distribution of PBDEs in air particles from an electronic waste recycling site compared with Guangzhou and Hong Kong, South China
WJ Deng, JS Zheng, XH Bi, JM Fu, MH Wong
Environment international 33 (8), 1063-1069, 2007
Effects of long-term fertilization and residue management on soil organic carbon changes in paddy soils of China: A meta-analysis
K Tian, Y Zhao, X Xu, N Hai, B Huang, W Deng
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 204, 40-50, 2015
Sources of heavy metal pollution in agricultural soils of a rapidly industrializing area in the Yangtze Delta of China
X Xu, Y Zhao, X Zhao, Y Wang, W Deng
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 108, 161-167, 2014
Veterinary antibiotics in food, drinking water, and the urine of preschool children in Hong Kong
N Li, KWK Ho, GG Ying, WJ Deng
Environment international 108, 246-252, 2017
Potential toxic risk of heavy metals from sediment of the Pearl River in South China
NIU Hongyi, D Wenjing, WU Qunhe, C Xingeng
Journal of Environmental Sciences 21 (8), 1053-1058, 2009
Sources and characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol in two largest cities in Pearl River Delta Region, China
J Duan, J Tan, D Cheng, X Bi, W Deng, G Sheng, J Fu, MH Wong
Atmospheric Environment 41 (14), 2895-2903, 2007
Occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in river water in Hong Kong
W Deng, N Li, H Zheng, H Lin
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 125, 121-127, 2016
Fate and removal of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in hybrid constructed wetlands
J Chen, WJ Deng, YS Liu, LX Hu, LY He, JL Zhao, TT Wang, GG Ying
Environmental Pollution 249, 894-903, 2019
Folate‐functionalized polymeric micelles for tumor targeted delivery of a potent multidrug‐resistance modulator FG020326
X Yang, W Deng, L Fu, E Blanco, J Gao, D Quan, X Shuai
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A: An Official Journal of The …, 2008
Radial basis function artificial neural network able to accurately predict disinfection by-product levels in tap water: Taking haloacetic acids as a case study
H Lin, Q Dai, L Zheng, H Hong, W Deng, F Wu
Chemosphere 248, 125999, 2020
Removal of steroid hormones and biocides from rural wastewater by an integrated constructed wetland
J Chen, YS Liu, WJ Deng, GG Ying
Science of the Total Environment 660, 358-365, 2019
Using simple and easy water quality parameters to predict trihalomethane occurrence in tap water
Z Xu, J Shen, Y Qu, H Chen, X Zhou, H Hong, H Sun, H Lin, W Deng, ...
Chemosphere 286, 131586, 2022
Phosphorus flame retardants and Bisphenol A in indoor dust and PM2. 5 in kindergartens and primary schools in Hong Kong
WJ Deng, N Li, R Wu, WKS Richard, Z Wang, W Ho
Environmental Pollution 235, 365-371, 2018
Pesticide residues in breast milk and the associated risk assessment: A review focused on China
L Kuang, Y Hou, F Huang, H Hong, H Sun, W Deng, H Lin
Science of the Total Environment 727, 138412, 2020
Measurement and health risk assessment of PM2. 5, flame retardants, carbonyls and black carbon in indoor and outdoor air in kindergartens in Hong Kong
WJ Deng, HL Zheng, AKY Tsui, XW Chen
Environment international 96, 65-74, 2016
Environmental impact assessment of leachate recirculation in landfill of municipal solid waste by comparing with evaporation and discharge (EASEWASTE)
W Xing, W Lu, Y Zhao, X Zhang, W Deng, TH Christensen
Waste management 33 (2), 382-389, 2013
Effects of biochar on bacterial communities in a newly established landfill cover topsoil
JTF Wong, X Chen, W Deng, Y Chai, CWW Ng, MH Wong
Journal of environmental management 236, 667-673, 2019
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