Mikhail Dzugutov
Mikhail Dzugutov
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nada.kth.se
addendum: A universal scaling law for atomic diffusion in condensed matter
M Dzugutov
Nature 411 (6838), 720, 2001
Glass formation in a simple monatomic liquid with icosahedral inherent local order
M Dzugutov
Physical Review A 46 (6), R2984, 1992
Formation of a dodecagonal quasicrystalline phase in a simple monatomic liquid
M Dzugutov
Physical review letters 70 (19), 2924, 1993
Decoupling of Diffusion from Structural Relaxation and Spatial Heterogeneity<? format?> in a Supercooled Simple Liquid
M Dzugutov, SI Simdyankin, FHM Zetterling
Physical review letters 89 (19), 195701, 2002
The favored cluster structures of model glass formers
JPK Doye, DJ Wales, FHM Zetterling, M Dzugutov
The Journal of chemical physics 118 (6), 2792-2799, 2003
Pair potential in liquid lead
M Dzugutov, KE Larsson, I Ebbsjö
Physical Review A 38 (7), 3609, 1988
Universal relation between the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and the thermodynamical entropy in simple liquids
M Dzugutov, E Aurell, A Vulpiani
Physical review letters 81 (9), 1762, 1998
Vacancy ordering and medium-range structure in a simple monatomic liquid
B Sadigh, M Dzugutov, SR Elliott
Physical Review B 59 (1), 1, 1999
Formation of large-scale icosahedral clusters in a simple liquid approaching the glass transition
FHM Zetterling, M Dzugutov, SI Simdyankin
Journal of non-crystalline solids 293, 39-44, 2001
Mode-coupling analysis of atomic dynamics in liquid lead
W Gudowski, M Dzugutov, KE Larsson
Physical Review E 47 (3), 1693, 1993
Anomalous slowing down in the metastable liquid of hard spheres
M Dzugutov
Physical Review E 65 (3), 032501, 2002
Collective excitations in a liquid semimetal: Molecular-dynamics simulation of the dynamics of liquid bismuth
M Dzugutov, U Dahlborg
Physical Review A 40 (7), 4103, 1989
Vibrational properties of the one-component σ phase
SI Simdyankin, SN Taraskin, M Dzugutov, SR Elliott
Physical Review B 62 (5), 3223, 2000
Dynamical diagnostics of ergodicity breaking in supercooled liquids
M Dzugutov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11 (10A), A253, 1999
Phason dynamics and atomic transport in an equilibrium dodecagonal quasi-crystal
M Dzugutov
Europhysics Letters 31 (2), 95, 1995
Molecular dynamics study of the coherent density correlation function in a supercooled simple one-component liquid
M Dzugutov, U Dahlborg
Journal of non-crystalline solids 131, 62-65, 1991
Hopping diffusion as a mechanism of relaxation stretching in a stable simple monatomic liquid
M Dzugutov
Europhysics Letters 26 (7), 533, 1994
Structural model for octagonal quasicrystals derived from octagonal symmetry elements arising in crystallization of a simple monatomic liquid
M Elenius, FHM Zetterling, M Dzugutov, M Dzugutov, DC Fredrickson, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (14), 144201, 2009
Connection between vibrational dynamics and topological order in simple glasses
SI Simdyankin, M Dzugutov, SN Taraskin, SR Elliott
Physical Review B 63 (18), 184301, 2001
Evidence for a simple monatomic ideal glass former: The thermodynamic glass transition from a stable liquid phase
M Elenius, T Oppelstrup, M Dzugutov
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (17), 2010
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