Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nus.edu.sg
Optimisation of intrinsic a-Si: H passivation layers in crystalline-amorphous silicon heterojunction solar cells
J Ge, ZP Ling, J Wong, T Mueller, AG Aberle
Energy Procedia 15, 107-117, 2012
Ultra-thin atomic layer deposited aluminium oxide tunnel layer passivated hole-selective contacts for silicon solar cells
Z Xin, ZP Ling, P Wang, J Ge, C Ke, KB Choi, AG Aberle, R Stangl
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 191, 164-174, 2019
Analysis of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon passivation layer growth for use in heterojunction silicon wafer solar cells by optical emission spectroscopy
J Ge, ZP Ling, J Wong, R Stangl, AG Aberle, T Mueller
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (23), 2013
Optimisation of p-doped μc-Si: H emitter layers in crystalline-amorphous silicon heterojunction solar cells
ZP Ling, J Ge, T Mueller, J Wong, AG Aberle
Energy Procedia 15, 118-128, 2012
Excellent silicon surface passivation achieved by industrial inductively coupled plasma deposited hydrogenated intrinsic amorphous silicon suboxide
J Ge, M Tang, J Wong, Z Zhang, T Dippell, M Doerr, O Hohn, M Huber, ...
International Journal of Photoenergy 2014 (1), 752967, 2014
Detailed micro Raman spectroscopy analysis of doped silicon thin film layers and its feasibility for heterojunction silicon wafer solar cells
L ZP, J Ge, R Stangl, A AG, T Mueller
Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 2013, 2013
Investigation of wide process temperature window for amorphous silicon suboxide thin-film passivation deposited by inductively coupled PECVD
J Ge, M Tang, J Wong, R Stangl, Z Zhang, T Dippell, M Doerr, O Hohn, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (3), 705-710, 2015
Investigation of low-temperature hydrogen plasma-etching processes for silicon wafer solar cell surface passivation in an industrial inductively coupled plasma deposition tool
M Tang, J Ge, J Wong, Z Liu, T Dippell, Z Zhang, M Huber, M Doerr, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (1), 10-16, 2015
Excellent passivation of thin silicon wafers by HF‐free hydrogen plasma etching using an industrial ICPECVD tool
M Tang, J Ge, J Wong, ZP Ling, T Dippell, Z Zhang, M Huber, M Doerr, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 9 (1), 47-52, 2015
Unlocking the potential of boronsilicate glass passivation for industrial tunnel oxide passivated contact solar cells
B Liao, J Ge, X Wu, Q Wang, RJ Yeo, Z Du
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 30 (3), 310-317, 2022
Surface passivation using silicon oxide by atmospheric pressure plasma coating system
J Ge, A Khanna, T Mueller
2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC)(A …, 2018
Inductively coupled plasma deposited amorphous silicon alloys using industrial equipment for heterojunction silicon solar cells
T Mueller, J Ge, M Tang, J Wong, ZP Ling, Z Zhang, M Doerr, T Dippell, ...
2014 IEEE 40th photovoltaic specialist conference (PVSC), 0625-0628, 2014
Investigation of Field‐Effect Passivation Created by Hydrogen Plasma Etching of Radio Corporation of America Formed Chemical Oxides on Crystalline Silicon Wafers
H Jia, M Tang, J Ge
physica status solidi (a) 218 (2), 2000586, 2021
SINGULAR platform for dual-sided plasma treatment and coating of Si-based passivation layers
Z Zhang, T Dippell, M Huber, O Hohn, J Ge, M Tang, J Wong, T Mueller, ...
Proceedings of the 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 201, 2014
Process research on intrinsic passivation layer for heterojunction solar cells
J Shi, C Shi, J Ge, Z Guan
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 12 (5), 055005, 2023
Surface Cleaning and Passivation Technologies for the Fabrication of High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells
C Shi, J Shi, Z Guan, J Ge
Materials 16 (8), 3144, 2023
Ambient plasma treatment of silicon wafers for surface passivation recovery
J Ge, M Prinz, T Markert, AG Aberle, T Mueller
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 (8S2), 08MB04, 2017
Interface investigations of hydrogen plasma etched silicon surfaces for heterojunction silicon solar cell applications
T Mueller, M Tang, J Ge, J Wong
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 1-4, 2015
Three-dimensional numerical analysis of hybrid heterojunction silicon wafer solar cells with front-side locally diffused emitter and rear-side heterojunction bsf point contacts
ZP Ling, FJ Ma, S Duttagupta, M Tang, J Ge, A Khanna, T Mueller, ...
Proc. 28th Eur. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf. Exhib, 800-805, 2013
A Simple Method for the Fabrication of Silicon Inverted Pyramid Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
J Liu, Y Yan, Z Zhang, Y Liu, J Ge, Z Guan
Materials 16 (10), 3634, 2023
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