I Putu Santikayasa
Predicting hotspots and prioritizing protected areas for endangered primate species in Indonesia under changing climate
AA Condro, LB Prasetyo, SB Rushayati, IP Santikayasa, E Iskandar
Biology 10 (2), 154, 2021
An improved drought-fire assessment for managing fire risks in tropical peatlands
M Taufik, MT Widyastuti, A Sulaiman, D Murdiyarso, IP Santikayasa, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 312, 108738, 2022
Managing water resources under climate uncertainty
S Shrestha, AK Anal, PA Salam, M Van der Valk
Examples from Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Australia. Springer, Switzerland, 2015
Evaluation of water use sustainability under future climate and irrigation management scenarios in Citarum River Basin, Indonesia
IP Santikayasa, MS Babel, S Shrestha, D Jourdain, RS Clemente
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 21 (2), 181-194, 2014
Assessment of the impact of climate change on water availability in the Citarum river basin, Indonesia: The use of statistical downscaling and water planning tools
IP Santikayasa, MS Babel, S Shrestha
Managing water resources under climate uncertainty: examples from Asia …, 2015
Analisis Pola Unsur Meteorologi Dan Konsentrasi Polutan Di Udara Ambien Studi Kasus: Jakarta Dan Bandung (Analysis Of Pattern Of Meteorology Variable And Ambient Polutant …
A Turyanti, IP Santikayasa
Agromet 20 (2), 25-37, 2006
The impact of rewetting peatland on fire hazard in riau, Indonesia
M Taufik, M Haikal, MT Widyastuti, C Arif, IP Santikayasa
Sustainability 15 (3), 2169, 2023
Development of an Integrated Agricultural Planning Model Considering Climate Change
IP Santikayasa
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 31 (1), 012042, 2016
Measuring metrics of climate change and its implication on the endangered mammal conservation in the Leuser Ecosystem
AA Condro, LB Prasetyo, SB Rushayati, IP Santikayasa, E Iskandar
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 713837, 2021
Analisis Indeks Pencemaran Airtanah di DKI Jakarta dengan Interpolasi Spasial
DA Prasetya, IP Santikayasa, IH Azizi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, 2021
Analisis Sebaran Banjir Berdasarkan Skenario Periode Ulang Debit (Studi Kasus: Sub Das Citarum Hilir): Studi Kasus: Sub DAS Citarum Hilir
RP Cahyanti, IP Santikayasa
Jurnal Dialog Penanggulangan Bencana 8 (1), 21-31, 2017
Quantification the impact of climate change on paddy field yield production in Subang, Indonesia
IP Santikayasa, W Amdan, Y Sugiarto
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 187 (1), 012059, 2018
A Neural Network Architecture for Statistical Downscaling Technique: A Case Study in Indramayu District
A Buono, A Faqih, R Boer, IP Santikayasa, A Ramadhan, MR Muttqien
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010
Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Characteristics Affecting Rainfall in Western Java, Indonesia
QA Kartika, A Faqih, IP Santikayasa, AM Setiawan
Agromet 37 (1), 54-65, 2023
Downscaling global gridded crop yield data products and crop water productivity mapping using remote sensing derived variables in the South Asia
S Mohanasundaram, KS Kasiviswanathan, C Purnanjali, IP Santikayasa, ...
International Journal of Plant Production 17 (1), 1-16, 2023
An Analysis of Surface Ocean Currents from HF Radar Measurements in the Bali Strait and the Flores Sea, Indonesia
E Supriyadi, R Hidayat, P Santikayasa, A Ramdhani
Int J Adv Sci Eng Inf Technol 11 (4), 1521-1534, 2021
A comprehensive database of Indonesian dams and its spatial distribution
KW Yuen, E Park, M Hazrina, M Taufik, P Santikayasa, E Latrubesse, ...
Remote Sensing 15 (4), 925, 2023
Peat moisture dataset of Sumatra peatlands
M Taufik, MT Widyastuti, IP Santikayasa, C Arif, B Minasny
Data in Brief 46, 108889, 2023
Estimated sediment exports and erosion in central citarum watershed
J Suryanta, Y Wahyudin, M Darmawan, F Amhar, IP Santikayasa, I Nahib
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1114 (1), 012099, 2022
Assessment of rainwater absorption zone in Citarum Watershed using GIS and AHP
J Suryanta, I Nahib, M Darmawan, F Amhar, IP Santikayasa, Y Wahyudin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1109 (1), 012055, 2022
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