Ariel T Sommer
Ariel T Sommer
Assistant Professor, Lehigh University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в lehigh.edu - Домашня сторінка
Spin-injection spectroscopy of a spin-orbit coupled Fermi gas
LW Cheuk, AT Sommer, Z Hadzibabic, T Yefsah, WS Bakr, MW Zwierlein
Physical Review Letters 109 (9), 095302, 2012
Revealing the superfluid lambda transition in the universal thermodynamics of a unitary Fermi gas
MJH Ku, AT Sommer, LW Cheuk, MW Zwierlein
Science 335 (6068), 563-567, 2012
Observation of Fermi polarons in a tunable Fermi liquid of ultracold atoms
A Schirotzek, CH Wu, A Sommer, MW Zwierlein
Physical review letters 102 (23), 230402, 2009
Time-and site-resolved dynamics in a topological circuit
J Ningyuan, C Owens, A Sommer, D Schuster, J Simon
Physical Review X 5 (2), 021031, 2015
Universal spin transport in a strongly interacting Fermi gas
A Sommer, M Ku, G Roati, MW Zwierlein
Nature 472 (7342), 201-204, 2011
Feynman diagrams versus Fermi-gas Feynman emulator
K Van Houcke, F Werner, E Kozik, N Prokof’ev, B Svistunov, MJH Ku, ...
Nature Physics 8 (5), 366-370, 2012
Long-lived ultracold molecules with electric and magnetic dipole moments
TM Rvachov, H Son, AT Sommer, S Ebadi, JJ Park, MW Zwierlein, ...
Physical review letters 119 (14), 143001, 2017
Evolution of fermion pairing from three to two dimensions
AT Sommer, LW Cheuk, MJH Ku, WS Bakr, MW Zwierlein
Physical review letters 108 (4), 045302, 2012
Synthetic Landau levels for photons
N Schine, A Ryou, A Gromov, A Sommer, J Simon
Nature 534 (7609), 671-675, 2016
Heavy solitons in a fermionic superfluid
T Yefsah, AT Sommer, MJH Ku, LW Cheuk, W Ji, WS Bakr, MW Zwierlein
Nature 499 (7459), 426-430, 2013
Type II superconducting parameters of Tl-doped PbTe determined from heat capacity and electronic transport measurements
Y Matsushita, PA Wianecki, AT Sommer, TH Geballe, IR Fisher
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (13), 134512, 2006
A strongly interacting polaritonic quantum dot
N Jia, N Schine, A Georgakopoulos, A Ryou, LW Clark, A Sommer, ...
Nature Physics 14 (6), 550-554, 2018
Observation and characterization of cavity Rydberg polaritons
J Ningyuan, A Georgakopoulos, A Ryou, N Schine, A Sommer, J Simon
Physical Review A 93 (4), 041802, 2016
Spin transport in polaronic and superfluid Fermi gases
A Sommer, M Ku, MW Zwierlein
New Journal of Physics 13 (5), 055009, 2011
Engineering photonic floquet hamiltonians through fabry–pérot resonators
A Sommer, J Simon
New Journal of Physics 18 (3), 035008, 2016
Quantum crystals and Laughlin droplets of cavity Rydberg polaritons
A Sommer, HP Büchler, J Simon
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.00341, 2015
Theory of interacting cavity Rydberg polaritons
A Georgakopoulos, A Sommer, J Simon
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (1), 014005, 2018
Photons and polaritons in a broken-time-reversal nonplanar resonator
N Jia, N Schine, A Georgakopoulos, A Ryou, A Sommer, J Simon
Physical Review A 97 (1), 013802, 2018
Time reversal invariant topologically insulating circuits
N Jia, C Owens, A Sommer, D Schuster, J Simon
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.0878, 2013
Transport of spin and mass at normal-superfluid interfaces in the unitary Fermi gas
D Zhang, AT Sommer
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023231, 2022
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