Daniel Corujo
Daniel Corujo
Universidade de Aveiro, Instituto de Telecomunicações
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ua.pt - Домашня сторінка
Information-centric networking for the internet of things: challenges and opportunities
M Amadeo, C Campolo, J Quevedo, D Corujo, A Molinaro, A Iera, ...
IEEE Network 30 (2), 92-100, 2016
Information-centric networking (ICN) research challenges
D Kutscher, S Eum, K Pentikousis, I Psaras, D Corujo, D Saucez, ...
Information-centric networking: baseline scenarios
K Pentikousis, B Ohlman, D Corujo, G Boggia, G Tyson, E Davies, ...
Consumer driven information freshness approach for content centric networking
J Quevedo, D Corujo, R Aguiar
2014 IEEE conference on computer communications workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2014
5Growth: An end-to-end service platform for automated deployment and management of vertical services over 5G networks
X Li, A Garcia-Saavedra, X Costa-Perez, CJ Bernardos, C Guimarães, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 59 (3), 84-90, 2021
Using an open-source IEEE 802.21 implementation for network-based localized mobility management
D Corujo, C Guimaraes, B Santos, RL Aguiar
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (9), 114-123, 2011
A case for ICN usage in IoT environments
J Quevedo, D Corujo, R Aguiar
2014 IEEE global communications conference, 2770-2775, 2014
Empowering software defined wireless networks through media independent handover management
C Guimaraes, D Corujo, RL Aguiar, F Silva, P Frosi
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2204-2209, 2013
A secure IoT management architecture based on Information-Centric Networking
J Suarez, J Quevedo, I Vidal, D Corujo, J Garcia-Reinoso, RL Aguiar
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 63, 190-204, 2016
ICN research challenges
D Kutscher, S Eum, K Pentikousis, I Psaras, D Corujo, D Saucez, ...
Work in progress, 2014
Network slicing security: Challenges and directions
VA Cunha, E da Silva, MB de Carvalho, D Corujo, JP Barraca, D Gomes, ...
Internet Technology Letters 2 (5), e125, 2019
On the application of contextual iot service discovery in information centric networks
J Quevedo, M Antunes, D Corujo, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
Computer Communications 89, 117-127, 2016
Impact of heterogeneous network controlled handovers on multi-mode mobile device design
T Melia, D Corujo, A de la Oliva, A Vidal, R Aguiar, I Soto
2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 3884-3889, 2007
5Growth: AI-driven 5G for Automation in Vertical Industries
C Papagianni, J Mangues-Bafalluy, P Bermudez, S Barmpounakis, ...
2020 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 17-22, 2020
Assessing sheep behavior through low-power microcontrollers in smart agriculture scenarios
L Nóbrega, P Gonçalves, M Antunes, D Corujo
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 173, 105444, 2020
Toward IP converged heterogeneous mobility: A network controlled approach
T Melia, A De la Oliva, A Vidal, I Soto, D Corujo, R Aguiar
Computer Networks 51 (17), 4849-4866, 2007
Adaptive video streaming over information-centric networking (ICN)
C Westphal, S Lederer, D Posch, C Timmerer, A Azgin, W Liu, C Mueller, ...
Multi-domain solutions for the deployment of private 5G networks
X Li, C Guimarães, G Landi, J Brenes, J Mangues-Bafalluy, J Baranda, ...
IEEE Access 9, 106865-106884, 2021
SliMANO: An expandable framework for the management and orchestration of end-to-end network slices
F Meneses, M Fernandes, D Corujo, RL Aguiar
2019 IEEE 8th international conference on cloud networking (CloudNet), 1-6, 2019
Hierarchical neighbor discovery scheme for handover optimization
F Buiati, LJG Villalba, D Corujo, J Soares, S Sargento, RL Aguiar
IEEE Communications Letters 14 (11), 1020-1022, 2010
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