Christopher J. Hyde
Christopher J. Hyde
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nottingham.ac.uk
Powder Bed Fusion of nickel-based superalloys: A review
S Sanchez, P Smith, Z Xu, G Gaspard, CJ Hyde, WW Wits, IA Ashcroft, ...
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 165, 103729, 2021
Determination of material properties in the Chaboche unified viscoplasticity model
YP Gong, CJ Hyde, W Sun, TH Hyde
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2010
Cyclic thermo-mechanical material modelling and testing of 316 stainless steel
CJ Hyde, W Sun, SB Leen
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 87 (6), 365-372, 2010
On the interpretation of results from small punch creep tests
TH Hyde, M Stoyanov, W Sun, CJ Hyde
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 45 (3), 141-164, 2010
Damage mechanics based predictions of creep crack growth in 316 stainless steel
CJ Hyde, TH Hyde, W Sun, AA Becker
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 77 (12), 2385-2402, 2010
Creep behaviour of inconel 718 processed by laser powder bed fusion
Z Xu, CJ Hyde, C Tuck, AT Clare
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 256, 13-24, 2018
The creep behaviour of nickel alloy 718 manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
S Sanchez, G Gaspard, CJ Hyde, IA Ashcroft, GA Ravi, AT Clare
Materials & Design 204, 109647, 2021
Characterization of viscoplasticity behaviour of P91 and P92 power plant steels
AA Saad, TH Hyde, W Sun, CJ Hyde, DWJ Tanner
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 111, 246-252, 2013
A review of non-destructive testing techniques for the in-situ investigation of fretting fatigue cracks
Y Kong, CJ Bennett, CJ Hyde
Materials & Design 196, 109093, 2020
Effect of post processing on the creep performance of laser powder bed fused Inconel 718
Z Xu, JW Murray, CJ Hyde, AT Clare
Additive Manufacturing 24, 486-497, 2018
The influence of shot peening on the fatigue response of Ti-6Al-4V surfaces subject to different machining processes
Z Xu, J Dunleavey, M Antar, R Hood, SL Soo, G Kucukturk, CJ Hyde, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 111, 196-207, 2018
Micromechanical finite element modelling of thermo-mechanical fatigue for P91 steels
DF Li, RA Barrett, PE O’Donoghue, CJ Hyde, NP O’Dowd, SB Leen
International Journal of Fatigue 87, 192-202, 2016
Thermal-mechanical fatigue simulation of a P91 steel in a temperature range of 400–600 C
AA Saad, CJ Hyde, W Sun, TH Hyde
Materials at High Temperatures 28 (3), 212-218, 2011
Applied creep mechanics
TH Hyde, W Sun, CJ Hyde
Potential difference methods for measuring crack growth: A review
Y Si, JP Rouse, CJ Hyde
International Journal of Fatigue 136, 105624, 2020
Multi-laser scan strategies for enhancing creep performance in LPBF
S Sanchez, CJ Hyde, IA Ashcroft, GA Ravi, AT Clare
Additive Manufacturing 41, 101948, 2021
Small ring testing of a creep resistant material
CJ Hyde, TH Hyde, W Sun, S Nardone, E De Bruycker
Materials Science and Engineering: A 586, 358-366, 2013
Staged thermomechanical testing of nickel superalloys produced by selective laser melting
Z Xu, CJ Hyde, A Thompson, RK Leach, I Maskery, C Tuck, AT Clare
Materials & Design 133, 520-527, 2017
A unified viscoplastic model for high temperature low cycle fatigue of service-aged P91 steel
RA Barrett, TP Farragher, CJ Hyde, NP O'Dowd, PE O'Donoghue, ...
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 136 (2), 021402, 2014
High temperature, low cycle fatigue characterization of P91 weld and heat affected zone material
TP Farragher, S Scully, NP O'Dowd, CJ Hyde, SB Leen
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 136 (2), 021403, 2014
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