süleyman Adak
süleyman Adak
Підтверджена електронна адреса в artuklu.edu.tr - Домашня сторінка
Harmonics mitigation of stand-alone photovoltaic system using LC passive filter
S Adak
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 16 (5), 2389-2396, 2021
Developed analytical expression for current harmonic distortion of the PV system’s inverter in relation to the solar irradiance and temperature
S Adak, H Cangi, B Eid, AS Yilmaz
Electrical Engineering 103, 697-704, 2021
Development software program for extraction of photovoltaic cell equivalent circuit model parameters based on the Newton–Raphson method
S Adak, H Cangi, AS Yilmaz, U Arifoglu
Journal of Computational Electronics 22 (1), 413-422, 2023
Enerji sistemlerinde harmonik distorsiyonunun azaltılması
S Adak
YTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003
Fotovoltaik Sistemin Çıkış Gücünün Sıcaklık ve Işımaya Bağlı Matematiksel Modellemesi ve Simülasyonu
S Adak, H Cangi, AS Yılmaz
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development 11 (1), 316-327, 2019
Design of an LLCL type filter for stand-alone PV systems’ harmonics
S Adak, H Cangi, AS Yılmaz
Journal of Energy Systems 3 (1), 36-50, 2019
Effects of electric vehicles and charging stations on microgrid power quality
S Adak, H Cangi, R Kaya, AS Yılmaz
Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation 9 (3 …, 2022
Analysis of solar inverter THD according to PWM's carrier frequency
H Cangi, S Adak
2015 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications …, 2015
Analysis and simulation total harmonic distortion of output voltage three level diode clamped inverter in photovoltaic system, Bitlis Eren University
S Adak, H Cangi
Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, ISSN 2147, 3129, 2015
Development software program for finding photovoltaic cell open-circuit voltage and fill factor based on the photovoltaic cell one-diode equivalent circuit model
S Adak, H Cangi
Electrical Engineering 106 (2), 1251-1264, 2024
Doğrusal Olmayan Yüklerde Güç Faktörünün Düzeltilmesi ve Harmonik Bileşenlerin Süzülmesi
S Adak, H Cangi, AS Yılmaz
Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology 7 (1), 153-164, 2019
Harmonik Bileşen İçeren Elektrik Tesislerinde Kondansatör Kayıpları, 3e ELECTROTECH, sayı: 325, 2014
S Adak, H Cangi
Kasım, 181-192, 2014
Enerji sistemlerinde harmonik yük akışı analizi ve simülasyonu
S Adak
Doktora Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2003
Fotovoltaik sistemde bulunan üç seviyeli diyot kenetlemeli eviricinin çıkış gerilimi toplam harmonik distorsiyonunun simulasyon ve analizi
S Adak, H Cangi
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 5 (2), 2016
The quality problems at low irradiance in the grid-connected photovoltaic systems
S Adak, H Cangi
Electrical Engineering 106 (5), 6185-6197, 2024
Thevenin equivalent of solar PV cell model and maximum power transfer
S Adak, H Cangi, AS Yilmaz
2021 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer …, 2021
Effect of temperature on the IV and PV curves of the photovoltaic cell
H Cangi, S Adak, AS Yılmaz
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 11 (4), 2682-2694, 2021
Analysis of total harmonic distortion of an induction motor in off-grid pv systems depending on carrier frequency
S Adak, H Cangi
International Journal of Energy and Smart Grid 5 (1-2), 27-40, 2020
Quality Problems in Low İrradiance at Grid Connected PV Solar System
H Cangi, S Adak
Mitigation of harmonic distortion in a three-phase full-wave controlled rectifier
S Adak
Res & Rev Eng-I 1, 2021
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