Frederico Meira Faleiros
Frederico Meira Faleiros
Professor, University of São Paulo, Institute of Geosciences
Підтверджена електронна адреса в usp.br
Thermal history versus sedimentary history: OSL sensitivity of quartz grains extracted from rocks and sediments
AO Sawakuchi, MW Blair, R DeWitt, FM Faleiros, T Hyppolito, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 6 (2), 261-272, 2011
A new empirical calibration of the quartz c-axis fabric opening-angle deformation thermometer
FM Faleiros, R Moraes, M Pavan, GAC Campanha
Tectonophysics 671, 173-182, 2016
Ediacaran high-pressure collision metamorphism and tectonics of the southern Ribeira Belt (SE Brazil): evidence for terrane accretion and dispersion during Gondwana assembly
FM Faleiros, GA da Cruz Campanha, L Martins, SRF Vlach, ...
Precambrian Research 189 (3-4), 263-291, 2011
Quartz recrystallization regimes, c-axis texture transitions and fluid inclusion reequilibration in a prograde greenschist to amphibolite facies mylonite zone (Ribeira Shear …
FM Faleiros, GAC Campanha, RMS Bello, K Fuzikawa
Tectonophysics 485 (1), 193-214, 2010
Evolução de terrenos tectono-metamórficos da Serrania do Ribeira e Planalto Alto Turvo (SP, PR)
FM Faleiros
Universidade de São Paulo, 2008
The inventory of geological heritage of the State of São Paulo, Brazil: methodological basis, results and perspectives
MGM Garcia, J Brilha, FF de Lima, JC Vargas, A Pérez-Aguilar, A Alves, ...
Geoheritage 10, 239-258, 2018
A geochronological review of magmatism along the external margin of Columbia and in the Grenville-age orogens forming the core of Rodinia
Å Johansson, B Bingen, H Huhma, T Waight, R Vestergaard, A Soesoo, ...
Precambrian Research 371, 106463, 2022
Geochemistry and age of mafic rocks from the Votuverava Group, southern Ribeira Belt, Brazil: Evidence for 1490 Ma oceanic back-arc magmatism
GAC Campanha, FM Faleiros, MAS Basei, CCG Tassinari, AP Nutman, ...
Precambrian Research 266, 530-550, 2015
U-Pb baddeleyite ages of key dyke swarms in the Amazonian Craton (Carajás/Rio Maria and Rio Apa areas): Tectonic implications for events at 1880, 1110 Ma, 535 Ma and 200 Ma
W Teixeira, MA Hamilton, VAV Girardi, FM Faleiros, RE Ernst
Precambrian Research 329, 138-155, 2019
Constraining the age of the Iporanga Formation with SHRIMP U-Pb zircon: Implications for possible Ediacaran glaciation in the Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil
GAC Campanha, MS Basei, CCG Tassinari, AP Nutman, FM Faleiros
Gondwana Research 13 (1), 117-125, 2008
Short-lived polyphase deformation during crustal thickening and exhumation of a collisional orogen (Ribeira Belt, Brazil)
FM Faleiros, GAC Campanha, M Pavan, VV Almeida, SWO Rodrigues, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 93, 106-130, 2016
The Tonian Embu complex in the Ribeira belt (Brazil): revision, depositional age and setting in Rodinia and West Gondwana
GAC Campanha, FM Faleiros, PA Cawood, DIG Cabrita, BV Ribeiro, ...
Precambrian Research 320, 31-45, 2019
Quartz OSL sensitivity as a proxy for storm activity on the southern Brazilian coast during the Late Holocene
AO Sawakuchi, CCF Guedes, R DeWitt, PCF Giannini, MW Blair, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 13, 92-102, 2012
The mesoproterozoic to early neoproterozoic passive margin lajeado group and Apiaí gabbro, southeastern Brazil
GAC Campanha, MS Basei, FM Faleiros, AP Nutman
Geoscience Frontiers 7 (4), 683-694, 2016
Zircon U-Pb ages of rocks from the Rio Apa Cratonic Terrane (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil): New insights for its connection with the Amazonian Craton in pre-Gondwana times
FMF M Pavan, MJ Remédio, JB Rodrigues, VV Almeida, FP Caltabeloti, LGR Pinto ...
Gondwana Research 34, 187-204, 2016
Fault–valve action and vein development during strike–slip faulting: An example from the Ribeira Shear Zone, Southeastern Brazil
FM Faleiros, GA da Cruz Campanha, RM da Silveira Bello, K Fuzikawa
Tectonophysics 438 (1-4), 1-32, 2007
Strain localization and fluid-assisted deformation in apatite and its influence on trace elements and U–Pb systematics
BV Ribeiro, L Lagoeiro, FM Faleiros, NJR Hunter, G Queiroga, M Raveggi, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 545, 116421, 2020
Geologia e Recursos Minerais da Folha Apiaí - SG.22-X-B-V - Estados de São Paulo e Paraná, escala 1:100.000.
FM Faleiros, SM Morais, VS Costa
Programa Geologia do Brasil, CPRM-Serviço Geológico do Brasil, 107, 2012
Fluid regimes, fault-valve behavior and formation of gold-quartz veins—The Morro do Ouro Mine, Ribeira Belt, Brazil
AM Faleiros, GA da Cruz Campanha, FM Faleiros, RM da Silveira Bello
Ore Geology Reviews 56, 442-456, 2014
Kinematics, nature of deformation and tectonic setting of the Taxaquara Shear Zone, a major transpressional zone of the Ribeira Belt (SE Brazil)
BV Ribeiro, FM Faleiros, GAC Campanha, L Lagoeiro, RF Weinberg, ...
Tectonophysics 751, 83-108, 2019
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