Mazen Nassar
Mazen Nassar
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, KSA
Підтверджена електронна адреса в kau.edu.sa
Alpha Power Weibull Distribution: Properties and Applications
OAK Mazen Nassar, Ayman Alzaatreh, Mohamed Mead
Communication in Statistics- Theory and Methods, 2016
The Marshall–Olkin alpha power family of distributions with applications
M Nassar, D Kumar, S Dey, GM Cordeiro, AZ Afify
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 351, 41-53, 2019
Alpha power transformed inverse Lindley distribution: A distribution with an upside-down bathtub-shaped hazard function
S Dey, M Nassar, D Kumar
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 348, 130-145, 2019
A new extension of Weibull distribution: properties and different methods of estimation
M Nassar, AZ Afify, S Dey, D Kumar
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 336, 439-457, 2018
Estimation of the Inverse Weibull Parameters Under Adaptive Type-II Progressive Hybrid Censoring Scheme
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2016
A new modified Kies family: Properties, estimation under complete and type-II censored samples, and engineering applications
AA Al-Babtain, MK Shakhatreh, M Nassar, AZ Afify
Mathematics 8 (8), 1345, 2020
Analysis of Weibull distribution under adaptive type-II progressive hybrid censoring scheme
M Nassar, O Abo-Kasem, C Zhang, S Dey
Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics 19, 25-65, 2018
The weibull marshall–olkin lindley distribution: Properties and estimation
AZ Afify, M Nassar, GM Cordeiro, D Kumar
Journal of Taibah University for Science 14 (1), 192-204, 2020
Bayesian survival analysis for adaptive Type-II progressive hybrid censored Hjorth data
A Elshahhat, M Nassar
Computational Statistics 36 (3), 1965-1990, 2021
Inference for Weibull distribution under adaptive type-I progressive hybrid censored competing risks data
SK Ashour, M Nassar
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46 (10), 4756-4773, 2017
Inference on Nadarajah–Haghighi distribution with constant stress partially accelerated life tests under progressive type-II censoring
S Dey, L Wang, M Nassar
Journal of Applied Statistics 49 (11), 2891-2912, 2022
Estimation methods of alpha power exponential distribution with applications to engineering and medical data
M Nassar, AZ Afify, M Shakhatreh
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 149-166, 2020
Moments and estimation of reduced Kies distribution based on progressive type-II right censored order statistics
S Dey, M Nassar, D Kumar
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 48 (1), 332-350, 2019
Analysis of generalized exponential distribution under adaptive type-II progressive hybrid censored competing risks data
SK Ashour, MMA Nassar
Int J Adv Stat Probab 2 (2), 108-113, 2014
Analysis of progressive type-II censored gamma distribution
S Dey, A Elshahhat, M Nassar
Computational Statistics 38 (1), 481-508, 2023
Different estimation methods for exponentiated Rayleigh distribution under constant‐stress accelerated life test
M Nassar, S Dey
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 34 (8), 1633-1645, 2018
E‐Bayesian estimation and associated properties of simple step–stress model for exponential distribution based on type‐II censoring
M Nassar, H Okasha, M Albassam
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 37 (3), 997-1016, 2021
Classical methods of estimation on constant stress accelerated life tests under exponentiated Lindley distribution
S Dey, M Nassar
Journal of Applied Statistics 47 (6), 975-996, 2020
Computational analysis of xlindley parameters using adaptive type-ii progressive hybrid censoring with applications in chemical engineering
R Alotaibi, M Nassar, A Elshahhat
Mathematics 10 (18), 3355, 2022
A new inverse Weibull distribution: properties, classical and Bayesian estimation with applications
AZ Afify, S Ahmed, M Nassar
Kuwait Journal of Science 48 (3), 2021
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