Peter Bager
Peter Bager
Senior scientist, Epidemiology Research, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ssi.dk - Домашня сторінка
Caesarean delivery and risk of atopy and allergic disesase: meta‐analyses
P Bager, J Wohlfahrt, T Westergaard
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 38 (4), 634-642, 2008
Trichuris suis ova therapy for allergic rhinitis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
P Bager, J Arnved, S Rønborg, J Wohlfahrt, LK Poulsen, T Westergaard, ...
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 125 (1), 123-130. e3, 2010
Cesarean section and offspring's risk of inflammatory bowel disease: a national cohort study
P Bager, J Simonsen, NM Nielsen, M Frisch
Inflammatory bowel diseases 18 (5), 857-862, 2012
Maternal obesity, gestational weight gain, and risk of asthma and atopic disease in offspring: a study within the Danish National Birth Cohort
MC Harpsøe, S Basit, P Bager, J Wohlfahrt, CS Benn, EA Nøhr, ...
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 131 (4), 1033-1040, 2013
Risk of hospitalisation associated with infection with SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant versus delta variant in Denmark: an observational cohort study
P Bager, J Wohlfahrt, S Bhatt, M Stegger, R Legarth, CH Møller, RL Skov, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 22 (7), 967-976, 2022
Enteric Salmonella or Campylobacter infections and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease
T Jess, J Simonsen, NM Nielsen, KT Jørgensen, P Bager, S Ethelberg, ...
Gut 60 (3), 318-324, 2011
Mode of delivery and risk of allergic rhinitis and asthma
P Bager, M Melbye, K Rostgaard, CS Benn, T Westergaard
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 111 (1), 51-56, 2003
Risk of hospitalisation associated with infection with SARS-CoV-2 lineage B. 1.1. 7 in Denmark: an observational cohort study
P Bager, J Wohlfahrt, J Fonager, M Rasmussen, M Albertsen, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 21 (11), 1507-1517, 2021
Risk of reinfection, vaccine protection, and severity of infection with the BA. 5 omicron subvariant: a nation-wide population-based study in Denmark
CH Hansen, NU Friis, P Bager, M Stegger, J Fonager, A Fomsgaard, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 23 (2), 167-176, 2023
Helminth therapy (worms) for induction of remission in inflammatory bowel disease
SK Garg, AM Croft, P Bager
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014
Molecular epidemiology of the SARS-CoV-2 variant Omicron BA. 2 sub-lineage in Denmark, 29 November 2021 to 2 January 2022
J Fonager, M Bennedbæk, P Bager, J Wohlfahrt, KM Ellegaard, ...
Eurosurveillance 27 (10), 2200181, 2022
Symptoms after ingestion of pig whipworm Trichuris suis eggs in a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial
P Bager, C Kapel, A Roepstorff, S Thamsborg, J Arnved, S Rønborg, ...
PloS one 6 (8), e22346, 2011
Prevalence of atopic dermatitis in infants by domestic water hardness and season of birth: cohort study
KA Engebretsen, P Bager, J Wohlfahrt, L Skov, C Zachariae, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 139 (5), 1568-1574. e1, 2017
Hospitalisation associated with SARS-CoV-2 delta variant in Denmark
P Bager, J Wohlfahrt, M Rasmussen, M Albertsen, TG Krause
The Lancet. Infectious Diseases 21 (10), 1351, 2021
Trichuris suis ova therapy in relapsing multiple sclerosis is safe but without signals of beneficial effect
A Voldsgaard, P Bager, E Garde, P Åkeson, AM Leffers, CG Madsen, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 21 (13), 1723-1729, 2015
Childhood infections and risk of multiple sclerosis
P Bager, NM Nielsen, K Bihrmann, M Frisch, H Hjalgrim, J Wohlfart, ...
Brain 127 (11), 2491-2497, 2004
A nationwide questionnaire study of post-acute symptoms and health problems after SARS-CoV-2 infection in Denmark
AIV Sørensen, L Spiliopoulos, P Bager, NM Nielsen, JV Hansen, A Koch, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 4213, 2022
Age at childhood infections and risk of atopy
P Bager, T Westergaard, K Rostgaard, H Hjalgrim, M Melbye
Thorax 57 (5), 379-382, 2002
Age at bacille Calmette–Guérin vaccination and risk of allergy and asthma
P Bager, K Rostgaard, NM Nielsen, M Melbye, T Westergaard
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 33 (11), 1512-1517, 2003
Observed protection against SARS-CoV-2 reinfection following a primary infection: A Danish cohort study among unvaccinated using two years of nationwide PCR-test data
D Michlmayr, CH Hansen, SM Gubbels, P Valentiner-Branth, P Bager, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 20, 2022
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