Rene Suša
Rene Suša
Independent Researcher
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uvic.ca - Домашня сторінка
Towards different conversations about the internationalization of higher education
S Stein, V Andreotti, J Bruce, R Suša
Comparative and International Education/Éducation comparée et internationale …, 2016
From “education for sustainable development” to “education for the end of the world as we know it”
S Stein, V Andreotti, R Suša, C Ahenakew, T Čajková
Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3), 274-287, 2022
Mobilising different conversations about global justice in education: toward alternative futures in uncertain times
V Andreotti, S Stein, A Sutherland, KL Pashby, R Susa, S Amsler
Policy & practice: A development education review 26, 9-41, 2018
Gesturing towards decolonial futures: reflections on our learnings thus far
S Stein, V Andreotti, R Suša, S Amsler, D Hunt, C Ahenakew, E Jimmy, ...
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 4 (1), 43-65, 2020
‘Beyond 2015’, within the modern/colonial global imaginary? Global development and higher education
S Stein, VO Andreotti, R Suša
Critical Studies in Education 60 (3), 281-301, 2019
The educational challenge of unraveling the fantasies of ontological security
S Stein, D Hunt, R Suša, V de Oliveira Andreotti
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 11 (2), 69-79, 2017
Pluralizing frameworks for global ethics in the internationalization of higher education in Canada
S Stein, V Andreotti, R Suša
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 49 (1), 22-46, 2019
Who decides? In whose name? For whose benefit? Decoloniality and its discontents
S Stein, V de Oliveira Andreotti, LMTM de Souza, C Ahenakew, R Suša
On Education. Journal for Research and Debate 3 (7), 2020
Beyond colonial futurities in climate education
S Stein, V Andreotti, C Ahenakew, R Suša, W Valley, N Huni Kui, ...
Teaching in Higher Education 28 (5), 987-1004, 2023
the Gesturing Decolonial Futures Collective (2018)‘Mobilising different conversations about global justice in education: Toward alternative futures in uncertain times’
V Andreotti, S Stein, A Sutherland, K Pashby, R Suša, S Amsler
Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review 26 (1), 9-41, 0
Global citizenship education (GCE) for unknown futures: mapping past and current experiments and debates
R Suša
Bridge 47, 29, 2019
Social cartography in educational research
R Suša, V de Oliveira Andreotti
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, 2019
Methodologies for gesturing towards decolonial futures
S Stein, V Andreotti, C Ahenakew, R Susa, W Valley, S Amsler, ...
Weaving an Otherwise, 141-158, 2022
Calibrating our vital compass: Unlearning colonial habits of being in everyday life
V de Oliveira Andreotti, S Stein, R Susa, C Ahenakew, T Caikova, ...
Rizoma freireano, 3, 2021
Social cartographies of internationalization of higher education in Canada: A study of exceptionalist tendencies and articulations
R Suša
University of Oulu, 2016
Gesturing towards decolonial futures: Global citizenship otherwise study program
V Andreotti, S Stein, R Suša, T Čajkova, D d’Emilia, E Jimmy, B Calhoun, ...
Creative Commons Attribution 4, 2019
Modern global imaginaries, modern subjects, enduring hierarchical relations and other possibilities
R Susa
Postcolonial Directions in Education, 2016
Global citizenship education and sustainability otherwise
R Suša, V Andreotti, S Stein, C Ahenakew, T Čajkova, DK Siwek, ...
Teaching and Learning Practices That Promote Sustainable Development and …, 2021
yo coletivo de arte/educação Sinalizando rumo a futuros descoloniais.(2019). Da casa construida pela modernidade ao micélio saudável
V Andreotti, S Stein, R Susa
Sinergias. Diálogos Educativos para a Transformação Social 8, 9-19, 0
Struggling with the recurring reduction of being to knowing. Placing thin hope in aesthetic interventions
R Susa
European journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 10 (2 …, 2019
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