Filippo Dall' Osso
Filippo Dall' Osso
Molino Stewart
Підтверджена електронна адреса в molinostewart.com.au - Домашня сторінка
A revised (PTVA) model for assessing the vulnerability of buildings to tsunami damage
F Dall'Osso, M Gonella, G Gabbianelli, G Withycombe, D Dominey-Howes
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (5), 1557-1565, 2009
The use of empirical vulnerability functions to assess the response of buildings to tsunami impact: Comparative review and summary of best practice
C Tarbotton, F Dall'Osso, D Dominey-Howes, J Goff
Earth-Science Reviews 142, 120-134, 2015
Applying and validating the PTVA-3 Model at the Aeolian Islands, Italy: assessment of the vulnerability of buildings to tsunamis
F Dall'Osso, A Maramai, L Graziani, B Brizuela, A Cavalletti, M Gonella, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (7), 1547-1562, 2010
Assessing the vulnerability of buildings to tsunami in Sydney
F Dall'Osso, M Gonella, G Gabbianelli, G Withycombe, D Dominey-Howes
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (6), 2015-2026, 2009
Revision and improvement of the PTVA-3 model for assessing tsunami building vulnerability using “international expert judgment”: introducing the PTVA-4 model
F Dall’Osso, D Dominey-Howes, C Tarbotton, S Summerhayes, ...
Natural Hazards, 1-28, 2016
Public assessment of the usefulness of" draft" tsunami evacuation maps from Sydney, Australia–implications for the establishment of formal evacuation plans
F Dall'Osso, D Dominey-Howes
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (8), 1739-1750, 2010
The exposure of Sydney (Australia) to earthquake-generated tsunamis, storms and sea level rise: a probabilistic multi-hazard approach
F Dall'Osso, D Dominey-Howes, C Moore, S Summerhayes, ...
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 7401, 2014
GIS-based techniques for assessing the vulnerability of buildings to tsunami: current approaches and future steps
C Tarbotton, D Dominey-Howes, JR Goff, M Papathoma-Kohle, ...
A novel approach (the CRATER method) for assessing tsunami vulnerability at the regional scale using ASTER imagery
F Dall'Osso, B Lorenza, C Alessandra, I Francesco, G Marco, G Giovanni
'Reducing the Loss': Using High-resolution Vulnerability Assessments to Enhance Tsunami Risk Reduction Strategies
F Dall'Osso, D Dominey-Howes
Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The 25 (4), 24-30, 2010
A method for assessing the vulnerability of buildings to catastrophic (tsunami) marine flooding
F Dall’Osso, D Dominey-Howes
Sydney Coastal Councils Group Inc.: Sydney, Australia, 138, 2009
Coastal vulnerability to multiple inundation sources-COVERMAR project-literature review
F Dall’Osso, D Dominey-Howes
Report Prepared for the Sydney Coastal Councils Group Inc 87, 2013
Living behind the Launceston levee: insights from a community survey
N Dufty, R Garrett, F Dall’Osso, K Sanborn
TheAustralian Journal of Emergency Management 37 (3), 29-34, 2022
Coastal Vulnerability to Multiple Innundation Sources: COVERMAR Project
F Dall'Osso, S Summerhayes, G Withycombe, D Dominey-Howes
Sydney Coastal Councils Group, 2014
Reducing and Managing the Risk of Tsunamis
IOC Manuals and Guides, 57, 2011
Coastal flood vulnerability assessment with geomatic methods: Test sites of western Thailand, Sydney (Australia) and aeolian islands (south tyrrhenian sea, Italy)
F Dall’Osso
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, 2010
COVERMAR - COastal VulnERability to Multiple inundAtion souRces - Final Outcomes Report
F Dall'Osso, D Dominey-Howes
Sydney Coastal Councils Group - ISBN 0-9802808-4-2 1, 100, 2014
COVERMAR - COastal VulnERability to Multiple inundAtion souRces - Hazard Assessment Report
F Dall'Osso, D Dominey-Howes
Sydney Coastal Councils Group - ISBN 978-0-9802808-8-3 1, 84, 2013
COVERMAR - COastal VulnERability to Multiple inundAtion souRces - Literature Review Report
F Dall’Osso, D Dominey-Howes
Sydney Coastal Councils Group - ISBN 978-0-9802808-8-3 2, 87, 2013
Corrigendum to" A revised (PTVA) model for assessing the vulnerability of buildings to tsunami damage" published in Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, 1557–1565, 2009"
F Dall'Osso, M Gonella, G Gabbianelli, G Withycombe, D Dominey-Howes
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (10), 3175-3176, 2012
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