Alessandro Antonietti
Alessandro Antonietti
Full professor of Psychology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart/Università Cattolica del Sacro
Підтверджена електронна адреса в unicatt.it
The role of spirituality and religiosity in subjective well-being of individuals with different religious status
D Villani, A Sorgente, P Iannello, A Antonietti
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1525, 2019
Relationships between metacognition, self-efficacy and self-regulation in learning
R Cera, M Mancini, A Antonietti
Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) 4 …, 2013
Ambiguity and uncertainty tolerance, need for cognition, and their association with stress. A study among Italian practicing physicians
P Iannello, A Mottini, S Tirelli, S Riva, A Antonietti
Medical education online 22 (1), 1270009, 2017
Cognitive style, hypermedia navigation and learning
A Calcaterra, A Antonietti, J Underwood
Computers & Education 44 (4), 441-457, 2005
The role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in inhibition mechanism: A study on cognitive reflection test and similar tasks through neuromodulation
V Oldrati, J Patricelli, B Colombo, A Antonietti
Neuropsychologia 91, 499-508, 2016
Metacognitive knowledge about problem‐solving methods
A Antonietti, S Ignazi, P Perego
British Journal of Educational Psychology 70 (1), 1-16, 2000
Teachers’ beliefs about learning from multimedia
A Antonietti, M Giorgetti
Computers in human behavior 22 (2), 267-282, 2006
Mirror neurons and their function in cognitively understood empathy
A Corradini, A Antonietti
Consciousness and cognition 22 (3), 1152-1161, 2013
Improving reading skills in students with dyslexia: the efficacy of a sublexical training with rhythmic background
S Bonacina, A Cancer, PL Lanzi, ML Lorusso, A Antonietti
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1510, 2015
Interpersonal trust in doctor-patient relation: Evidence from dyadic analysis and association with quality of dyadic communication
S Petrocchi, P Iannello, F Lecciso, A Levante, A Antonietti, PJ Schulz
Social science & medicine 235, 112391, 2019
To see a painting versus to walk in a painting: an experiment on sense-making through virtual reality
A Antonietti, M Cantoia
Computers & Education 34 (3-4), 213-223, 2000
Why does mental visualization facilitate problem-solving?
A Antonietti
Advances in psychology 80, 211-227, 1991
Financial well-being and its relationship with subjective and psychological well-being among emerging adults: Testing the moderating effect of individual differences
P Iannello, A Sorgente, M Lanz, A Antonietti
Journal of Happiness Studies 22 (3), 1385-1411, 2021
Accessing source information in analogical problem-solving
L Anolli, A Antonietti, L Crisafulli, M Cantoia
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 54 (1), 237-261, 2001
The combined effects of neurostimulation and priming on creative thinking. A preliminary tDCS study on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
B Colombo, N Bartesaghi, L Simonelli, A Antonietti
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 403, 2015
Circadian typology and style of thinking differences
M Fabbri, A Antonietti, M Giorgetti, L Tonetti, V Natale
Learning and Individual Differences 17 (2), 175-180, 2007
Theory of mind and language in developmental contexts
A Antonietti, OL Sempio, A Marchetti
Springer Science & Business Media, 2006
Effects of hypermedia instruction on declarative, conditional and procedural knowledge in ADHD students
RA Fabio, A Antonietti
Research in Developmental Disabilities 33 (6), 2028-2039, 2012
Correlations between neurophysiological, behavioral, and cognitive function in Rett syndrome
A Vignoli, RA Fabio, F La Briola, S Giannatiempo, A Antonietti, ...
Epilepsy & Behavior 17 (4), 489-496, 2010
Il luogo della mente
A Antonietti
Un'introduzione alla psicologia attraverso il mind-body problem, 1996
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