Kathleen Pike
Kathleen Pike
Підтверджена електронна адреса в cumc.columbia.edu - Домашня сторінка
Mothers, daughters, and disordered eating.
KM Pike, J Rodin
Journal of abnormal psychology 100 (2), 198, 1991
Innovations and changes in the ICD‐11 classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders
GM Reed, MB First, CS Kogan, SE Hyman, O Gureje, W Gaebel, M Maj, ...
World psychiatry 18 (1), 3-19, 2019
Cognitive behavior therapy in the posthospitalization treatment of anorexia nervosa
KM Pike, BT Walsh, K Vitousek, GT Wilson, J Bauer
American Journal of Psychiatry 160 (11), 2046-2049, 2003
Fluoxetine after weight restoration in anorexia nervosa: a randomized controlled trial
BT Walsh, AS Kaplan, E Attia, M Olmsted, M Parides, JC Carter, KM Pike, ...
Jama 295 (22), 2605-2612, 2006
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anorexia nervosa.
DM Garner, KM Vitousek, KM Pike
The Guilford Press, 1997
The rise of eating disorders in Asia: a review
KM Pike, PE Dunne
Journal of eating disorders 3, 1-14, 2015
Risk factors across the eating disorders
A Hilbert, KM Pike, AB Goldschmidt, DE Wilfley, CG Fairburn, FA Dohm, ...
Psychiatry research 220 (1-2), 500-506, 2014
Medication and psychotherapy in the treatment of bulimia nervosa
BT Walsh, GT Wilson, KL Loeb, MJ Devlin, KM Pike, SP Roose, J Fleiss, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 154 (4), 523-531, 1997
Long-term course of anorexia nervosa: response, relapse, remission, and recovery
KM Pike
Clinical psychology review 18 (4), 447-475, 1998
Treating severe and enduring anorexia nervosa: a randomized controlled trial
S Touyz, D Le Grange, H Lacey, P Hay, R Smith, S Maguire, B Bamford, ...
Psychological medicine 43 (12), 2501-2511, 2013
Recurrent binge eating in black American women
RH Striegel-Moore, DE Wilfley, KM Pike, FA Dohm, CG Fairburn
Archives of Family Medicine 9 (1), 83, 2000
Abuse, bullying, and discrimination as risk factors for binge eating disorder
RH Striegel-Moore, FA Dohm, KM Pike, DE Wilfley, CG Fairburn
American Journal of Psychiatry 159 (11), 1902-1907, 2002
Mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders in the ICD-11: an international perspective on key changes and controversies
DJ Stein, P Szatmari, W Gaebel, M Berk, E Vieta, M Maj, YA De Vries, ...
BMC medicine 18, 1-24, 2020
Subthreshold binge eating disorder
RH Striegel‐Moore, FA Dohm, EE Solomon, CG Fairburn, KM Pike, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 27 (3), 270-278, 2000
Eating disturbance and body image: a comparison of a community sample of adult black and white women
DE Wilfley, GB Schreiber, KM Pike, RH Striegel‐Moore, DJ Wright, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 20 (4), 377-387, 1996
The global burden of eating disorders
HE Erskine, HA Whiteford, KM Pike
Current opinion in psychiatry 29 (6), 346-353, 2016
Drive for thinness in black and white preadolescent girls
RH Striegel‐Moore, GB Schreiber, KM Pike, DE Wilfley, J Rodin
International Journal of Eating Disorders 18 (1), 59-69, 1995
A comparison of black and white women with binge eating disorder
KM Pike, FA Dohm, RH Striegel-Moore, DE Wilfley, CG Fairburn
American Journal of Psychiatry 158 (9), 1455-1460, 2001
Comparison of binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa in a community sample
RH Striegel‐Moore, FM Cachelin, FA Dohm, KM Pike, DE Wilfley, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 29 (2), 157-165, 2001
Cultural trends and eating disorders
KM Pike, HW Hoek, PE Dunne
Current opinion in psychiatry 27 (6), 436-442, 2014
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