Simón Lissa
Simón Lissa
Підтверджена електронна адреса в fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar
Seismic attenuation and dispersion in poroelastic media with fractures of variable aperture distributions
S Lissa, ND Barbosa, J Rubino, B Quintal
Solid Earth 10 (4), 1321-1336, 2019
Azimuth-, angle-and frequency-dependent seismic velocities of cracked rocks due to squirt flow
Y Alkhimenkov, E Caspari, S Lissa, B Quintal
Solid Earth 11 (3), 855-871, 2020
Squirt flow in cracks with rough walls
S Lissa, ND Barbosa, E Caspari, Y Alkhimenkov, B Quintal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (4), e2019JB019235, 2020
Fracture unclogging: A numerical study of seismically induced viscous shear stresses in fluid‐saturated fractured rocks
ND Barbosa, J Hunziker, S Lissa, EH Saenger, M Lupi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (11), 11705-11727, 2019
Digital rock physics applied to squirt flow
S Lissa, M Ruf, H Steeb, B Quintal
Geophysics 86 (4), MR235-MR245, 2021
Fluid pressure diffusion in fractured media: The role played by the geometry of real fractures
S Lissa, ND Barbosa, B Quintal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (10), e2021JB022233, 2021
Squirt flow in partially saturated cracks: A simple analytical model
SG Solazzi, S Lissa, JG Rubino, K Holliger
Geophysical Journal International 227 (1), 680-692, 2021
Effects of crack roughness on attenuation caused by squirt flow in Carrara marble
S Lissa, M Ruf, H Steeb, B Quintal
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 2439-2443, 2020
b, Azimuth-, angle-and frequency-dependent seismic velocities of cracked rocks due to squirt flow: Solid Earth, 11, 855–871, doi: 10.5194/se-11-855-2020
Y Alkhimenkov, E Caspari, S Lissa, B Quintal
Crossref Web of Science, 2020
Seismic moduli dispersion and attenuation obtained using Digital Rock Physics
S Lissa, M Ruf, H Steeb, B Quintal
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-5887, 2021
Resultados preliminares del estudio de la relación agua superficial-subterránea mediante tomografía sísmica y eléctrica en un curso de agua de la cuenca Martín-Carnaval, La Plata
S Lissa, S Perdomo, E Valeff, D Lorenzo, JE Ainchil
XXVIII Reunión Científica de la AAGG y III Simposio sobre Inversión y …, 2017
Correlación de fluctuaciones de niveles freáticos con variaciones del nivel del Río de la Plata
S Lissa
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2010
Poroelastic response of a fractured rock to hydrostatic pressure oscillations
S Chapman, S Lissa, J Fortin, B Quintal
Geophysical Research Letters 51 (20), e2024GL109992, 2024
Sísmica de refracción y sondeos eléctricos verticales para estimar la profundidad del basamento hidrogeológico en Tandil (Buenos Aires)
S Perdomo, M Wocca, S Lissa, MF Vázquez
XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidrogeología y XII Congreso Argentino de …, 2024
Digital rock physics analysis of seismic properties of a fractured shale from the Vaca Muerta Formation
S Lissa, ND Barbosa, E Camilion, G Panizza, SG Solazzi, JG Rubino, ...
Three-Dimensional Numerical Study of Frequency-Dependent Anisotropy of Cracked Rocks Due to Squirt Flow
Y Alkhimenkov, E Caspari, S Lissa, B Quintal
82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2021 (1), 1-5, 2021
Poroelastic fracture properties inferred from seismic attenuation
S Lissaa, ND Barbosaa, B Quintala
The Biot-Bazant Conference, 2021
Multiscale Numerical Analysis of the Seismic Properties of Rocks Having Fractures with Complex Geometries
S Lissa
éditeur non identifié, 2021
Seismic attenuation and velocity dispersion due to squirt flow in cracks with rough walls
S Lissa, ND Barbosa, E Caspari, Y Alkhimenkov, B Quintal
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1424, 2020
P-wave modulus dispersion and attenuation caused by squirt flow in cracks with rough walls
S Lissa, B Quintal
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D043S106R001, 2019
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