Vladimir Atanasov
Vladimir Atanasov
Підтверджена електронна адреса в mason.wm.edu - Домашня сторінка
Shock-based causal inference in corporate finance and accounting research
VA Atanasov, BS Black
Critical Finance Review 5, 207-304, 2016
How does law affect finance? An examination of equity tunneling in Bulgaria
V Atanasov, B Black, C Ciccotello, S Gyoshev
Journal of Financial Economics 96 (1), 155-173, 2010
Does reputation limit opportunistic behavior in the VC industry? Evidence from litigation against VCs
V Atanasov, V Ivanov, K Litvak
The Journal of Finance 67 (6), 2215-2246, 2012
How much value can blockholders tunnel? Evidence from the Bulgarian mass privatization auctions
V Atanasov
Journal of Financial Economics 76 (1), 191-234, 2005
Law and tunneling
VA Atanasov, BS Black, CS Ciccotello
Journal of Corporation Law 37, 1-49, 2011
Unbundling and measuring tunneling
V Atanasov, B Black, CS Ciccotello
U. Ill. L. Rev., 1697, 2014
The Trouble with Instruments: The Need for Pretreatment Balance in Shock-Based Instrumental Variable Designs
V Atanasov, B Black
Management Science, 2020
Is there shareholder expropriation in the United States? An analysis of publicly traded subsidiaries
V Atanasov, A Boone, D Haushalter
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 45 (01), 1-26, 2010
Financial intermediaries in the midst of market manipulation: Did they protect the fool or help the knave?
V Atanasov, RJ Davies, JJ Merrick
Journal of Corporate Finance 34, 210-234, 2015
Why do dealers buy high and sell low? An analysis of persistent crossing in extremely segmented markets
V Atanasov, JJ Merrick, P Schuster
Review of Finance, rfw033, 2016
The anatomy of financial tunnelling in an emerging market
V Atanasov, B Black, CS Ciccotello, S Gyoshev
Conference on financial Modernisation and Economic Growth in Europe, 2006
The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Elderly: Population Fatality Rates, Years of Life Lost, and Life Expectancy
PNB Parra, V Atanasov, J Whittle, J Meurer, QE Luo, R Zhang, B Black
Understanding COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness against Death Using a Novel Measure: COVID Excess Mortality Percentage
V Atanasov, N Barreto, J Whittle, J Meurer, BW Weston, Q Luo, L Franchi, ...
Vaccines 11 (2), 379, 2023
Law and Tunneling’(2011)
V Atanasov, B Black, CS Ciccotello
Journal of Corporation Law 37, 1, 0
Learning from the general principles of company law for transition economies: The case of Bulgaria
VA Atanasov, CS Ciccotello, SB Gyoshev
Journal of Corporation Law 31, 1004-1033, 2006
Selection Effects and COVID-19 Mortality Risk after Pfizer vs. Moderna Vaccination: Evidence from Linked Mortality and Vaccination Records
V Atanasov, N Barreto, J Whittle, J Meurer, BW Weston, Q Luo, AY Yuan, ...
Vaccines 11 (5), 971, 2023
The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Elderly: Population Fatality Rates, COVID Mortality Percentage, and Life Expectancy Loss
PN Barreto Parra, VA Atanasov, J Whittle, J Meurer, E Luo, R Zhang, ...
Elder Law Journal 30, 33-80, 2022
Striking Oil in the Boardroom: Overpaying Executives through Manipulating Actual Performance Metrics
VA Atanasov, DE Black, M Boutchkova
Available at SSRN 3615090, 2022
Efficient Market Managers
V Atanasov, C Pirinsky, Q Wang
The Quarterly Journal of Finance 11 (02), 2150009, 2021
22. Self-dealing by corporate insiders: Legal constraints and loopholes
V Atanasov, B Black, CS Ciccotello
Research Handbook on the Economics of Corporate Law, 419, 2012
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