Gianluca Franchino
Gianluca Franchino
AlcaPower Distribuzione
Підтверджена електронна адреса в alcapower.com - Домашня сторінка
Energy-aware packet and task co-scheduling for embedded systems
L Santinelli, M Marinoni, F Prosperi, F Esposito, G Franchino, G Buttazzo
Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on Embedded software …, 2010
An embedded real-time system for autonomous flight control
M Marinoni, T Facchinetti, G Buttazzo, G Franchino
Proc. of the 50th Int. Congress of ANIPLA on Methodologies for Emerging …, 2006
Platform-aware bandwidth-oriented energy management algorithm for real-time embedded systems
M Marinoni, M Bambagini, F Prosperi, F Esposito, G Franchino, ...
ETFA2011, 1-8, 2011
BuST: Budget Sharing Token protocol for hard real-time communication
G Franchino, GC Buttazzo, T Facchinetti
2007 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (EFTA …, 2007
BACCARAT: a dynamic real-time bandwidth allocation policy for IEEE 802.15. 4
C Nastasi, M Marinoni, L Santinelli, P Pagano, G Lipari, G Franchino
2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and …, 2010
Real-time analysis and design of a dual protocol support for Bluetooth LE devices
M Marinoni, A Biondi, P Buonocunto, G Franchino, D Cesarini, G Buttazzo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (1), 80-91, 2016
Data fusion for relative localization of wireless mobile nodes
C Di Franco, G Franchino, M Marinoni
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded …, 2014
A power-aware MAC layer protocol for real-time communication in wireless embedded systems
G Franchino, G Buttazzo
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 82, 21-34, 2017
WBuST: A real-time energy-aware MAC layer protocol for wireless embedded systems
G Franchino, G Buttazzo
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 17th International Conference on Emerging …, 2012
Token passing techniques for hard real-time communication
G Franchino, GC Buttazzo, T Facchinetti
Factory Automation, 2010
A distributed architecture for mobile robots coordination
G Franchino, G Buttazzo, T Facchinetti
2005 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation 2, 8 pp …, 2005
Energy-aware algorithms for tasks and bandwidth co-allocation under real-time and redundancy constraints
F Prosperi, M Bambagini, G Buttazzo, M Marinoni, G Franchino
Proceedings of 2012 IEEE 17th International Conference on Emerging …, 2012
An energy-aware algorithm for TDMA MAC protocols in real-time wireless networks
G Franchino, G Buttazzo, M Marinoni
International Symposium on Industrial Embedded System (SIES), 156-165, 2010
Properties of BuST and timed-token protocols in managing hard real-time traffic
G Franchino, GC Buttazzo, T Facchinetti
2008 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2008
Bandwidth optimization and energy management in real-time wireless networks
G Franchino, G Buttazzo, M Marinoni
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 15 (3), 1-29, 2016
A distributed coordination protocol for the connectivity maintenance in a network of mobile units
T Facchinetti, G Franchino, G Buttazzo
2008 Second International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2008
A New Token Passing Protocol for Real-Time Communication
G Franchino, GC Buttazzo, T Facchinetti
Technical report, University of Pavia, 2007
Time properties of the BuST protocol under the NPA budget allocation scheme
G Franchino, GC Buttazzo, T Facchinetti
Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, 1051 …, 2008
An ethernet layer for supporting enhanced real-time communication services
T Facchinetti, G Franchino, P Pedreiras, R Marau
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (3), 119-124, 2006
Kernel support for energy management in wireless mobile ad-hoc networks
M Marinoni, G Buttazzo, T Facchinetti, G Franchino
Proc. of the Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time …, 2005
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