Zhejiang Normal University China
Підтверджена електронна адреса в zjnu.edu.cn
Wormhole solutions in symmetric teleparallel gravity
G Mustafa, Z Hassan, P Moraes, PK Sahoo
Physics Letters B 821, 136612, 2021
Physically viable solutions of anisotropic spheres in gravity satisfying the Karmarkar condition
G Mustafa, MF Shamir, X Tie-Cheng
Physical review D 101 (10), 104013, 2020
Noncommutative wormhole solutions in modified f (R) theory of gravity
MF Shamir, A Malik, G Mustafa
Chinese Journal of Physics 73, 634-648, 2021
Shadows and gravitational weak lensing by the Schwarzschild black hole in the string cloud background with quintessential field
G Mustafa, F Atamurotov, I Hussain, S Shaymatov, A Övgün
Chinese Physics C 46 (12), 125107, 2022
Realistic stellar anisotropic model satisfying Karmarker condition in f(RT) gravity
G Mustafa, M Zubair, S Waheed, X Tiecheng
The European Physical Journal C 80 (1), 26, 2020
Existence of stable wormholes on a non-commutative-geometric background in modified gravity
M Zubair, G Mustafa, S Waheed, G Abbas
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-13, 2017
Traversable wormhole inspired by non-commutative geometries in f (Q) gravity with conformal symmetry
G Mustafa, Z Hassan, PK Sahoo
Annals of Physics 437, 168751, 2022
Thermal analysis with emission energy of perturbed black hole in f (Q) gravity
F Javed, G Mustafa, S Mumtaz, F Atamurotov
Nuclear Physics B 990, 116180, 2023
Weak deflection angle and shadow cast by the charged-Kiselev black hole with cloud of strings in plasma
F Atamurotov, I Hussain, G Mustafa, A Övgün
Chinese Physics C 47 (2), 025102, 2023
Exploring physical properties of minimally deformed strange star model and constraints on maximum mass limit in f (𝒬) gravity
SK Maurya, G Mustafa, M Govender, KN Singh
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2022 (10), 003, 2022
Wormhole solutions in modified gravity
MF Shamir, A Malik, G Mustafa
International Journal of Modern Physics A 36 (04), 2150021, 2021
Non-commutative wormholes exhibiting conformal motion in Rastall gravity
G Mustafa, S Waheed, M Zubair, TC Xia
Chinese Journal of Physics 65, 163-176, 2020
Wormhole solutions in symmetric teleparallel gravity with noncommutative geometry
Z Hassan, G Mustafa, PK Sahoo
Symmetry 13 (7), 1260, 2021
On the possibility of generalized wormhole formation in the galactic halo due to dark matter using the observational data within the matter coupling gravity formalism
G Mustafa, SK Maurya, S Ray
The Astrophysical Journal 941 (2), 170, 2022
Shadow and quasinormal modes of the Kerr–Newman–Kiselev–Letelier black hole
F Atamurotov, I Hussain, G Mustafa, K Jusufi
The European Physical Journal C 82 (9), 831, 2022
Particle dynamics and gravitational weak lensing around black hole in the Kalb-Ramond gravity
F Atamurotov, D Ortiqboev, A Abdujabbarov, G Mustafa
The European Physical Journal C 82 (8), 659, 2022
A study of anisotropic spheres in f (Q) gravity with quintessence field
S Mandal, G Mustafa, Z Hassan, PK Sahoo
Physics of the Dark Universe 35, 100934, 2022
Observational constraints on a logarithmic scalar field dark energy model and black hole mass evolution in the Universe
D Wang, M Koussour, A Malik, N Myrzakulov, G Mustafa
The European Physical Journal C 83 (7), 670, 2023
Traversable wormholes in the extended teleparallel theory of gravity with matter coupling
G Mustafa, M Ahmad, A Övgün, M Farasat Shamir, I Hussain
Fortschritte der Physik 69 (8-9), 2100048, 2021
Anisotropic spheres via embedding approach in R+ βR2 gravity with matter coupling
G Mustafa, X Tie-Cheng, M Ahmad, MF Shamir
Physics of the Dark Universe 31, 100747, 2021
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