Eric J. Fitzsimmons
Eric J. Fitzsimmons
Associate Professor & Director, Kansas State University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ksu.edu
Evaluation of gateway and low-cost traffic-calming treatments for major routes in small rural communities
S Hallmark, E Peterson, E Fitzsimmons, N Hawkins, J Resler, T Welch
Determining vehicle operating speed and lateral position along horizontal curves using linear mixed-effects models
EJ Fitzsimmons, V Kvam, RR Souleyrette, SS Nambisan, DG Bonett
Traffic injury prevention 14 (3), 309-321, 2013
The effectiveness of Iowa's automated red light running enforcement programs
EJ Fitzsimmons
Iowa State University, 2007
Analyses of vehicle trajectories and speed profiles along horizontal curves
EJ Fitzsimmons, SS Nambisan, RR Souleyrette, V Kvam
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 5 (3), 187-207, 2013
Investigating factors contributing to large truck lane departure crashes using the federal motor carrier safety administration’s Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) database
SL Hallmark, YY Hsu, TH Maze, TJ McDonald, EJ Fitzsimmons
Roundabouts in signalized corridors: evaluation of traffic flow impacts
SL Hallmark, EJ Fitzsimmons, HN Isebrands, KL Giese
Transportation research record 2182 (1), 139-147, 2010
Red light running in Iowa: Automated enforcement program evaluation with Bayesian analysis
S Hallmark, M Orellana, T McDonald, E Fitzsimmons, D Matulac
Transportation research record 2182 (1), 48-54, 2010
Use of physical devices for calming traffic along major roads through small rural communities in Iowa
SL Hallmark, N Hawkins, E Fitzsimmons, J Resler, D Plazak, T Welch, ...
Transportation research record 2078 (1), 100-107, 2008
Implications of distracted driving on start-up lost time for dual left-turn lanes
DS Hurwitz, KP Heaslip, SD Schrock, J Swake, P Marnell, H Tuss, ...
Journal of transportation engineering 139 (9), 923-930, 2013
Investigation of violation reduction at intersection approaches with automated red light running enforcement cameras in Clive, Iowa, using a cross-sectional analysis
EJ Fitzsimmons, SL Hallmark, M Orellana, T McDonald, D Matulac
Journal of Transportation Engineering 135 (12), 984-989, 2009
Measuring horizontal curve vehicle trajectories and speed profiles: pneumatic road tube and video methods
EJ Fitzsimmons, RR Souleyrette, SS Nambisan
Journal of transportation engineering 139 (3), 255-265, 2013
Toolbox to evaluate the impacts of roundabouts on a corridor or roadway network
H Isebrands, S Hallmark, E Fitzsimmons, J Stroda
Iowa State University. Center for Transportation Research and Education, 2008
Evaluation of the effectiveness of dynamic speed feed back signs in work zones on high-speed Kansas roadways
SM Anderson, JR Cunningham IV, J Liang, EJ Fitzsimmons
Transportation Research Board 100th Annual MeetingTransportation Research …, 2021
Evaluation of gateway and low-cost traffic-calming treatments for major routes in small rural communities. CTRE Project 06-185, IHRB Project TR-523
SL Hallmark, E Peterson, E Fitzsimmons, N Hawkins, J Resler, T Welch
Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, US, 2007
An evaluation of wrong-way crashes from highway ramps in Kansas, USA
EJ Fitzsimmons, JR Cunningham Iv, S Dissanayake, J Liang
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 26 (3), 233-241, 2019
Coping with class imbalance in classification of traffic crash severity based on sensor and road data: a feature selection and data augmentation approach
D Lamba, M Alsadhan, W Hsu, E Fitzsimmons, G Newmark
The 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2019
Evaluation of large truck crashes at horizontal curves on two-lane rural highways in kansas
EJ Fitzsimmons Ph D, TE Lindheimer
Synthesis of traffic calming techniques in work zones
EJ Fitzsimmons, N Oneyear, SL Hallmark, NR Hawkins, TH Maze
Evaluation of interactive highway safety design model crash prediction tools for two-lane rural roads on Kansas Department of Transportation projects.
H Lubliner, C Bornheimer, S Schrock, MH Wang, E Fitzsimmons
Kansas. Dept. of Transportation, 2014
Development and analysis of vehicle trajectories and speed profiles along horizontal curves
EJ Fitzsimmons
Iowa State University, 2011
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