Nadia Cristina Valentini
Nadia Cristina Valentini
Підтверджена електронна адреса в esef.ufrgs.br
Motivational climate, motor-skill development, and perceived competence: Two studies of developmentally delayed kindergarten children
NC Valentini, ME Rudisill
Journal of teaching in physical education 23 (3), 216-234, 2004
Validity and reliability of the TGMD-2 for Brazilian children
NC Valentini
Journal of motor behavior 44 (4), 275-280, 2012
An inclusive mastery climate intervention and the motor skill development of children with and without disabilities
NC Valentini, ME Rudisill
Adapted physical activity quarterly 21 (4), 330-347, 2004
Through the looking glass: A systematic review of longitudinal evidence, providing new insight for motor competence and health
LM Barnett, EK Webster, RM Hulteen, A De Meester, NC Valentini, ...
Sports Medicine 52 (4), 875-920, 2022
Gender differences in Brazilian children's fundamental movement skill performance
BC Spessato, C Gabbard, N Valentini, M Rudisill
Early Child Development and Care 183 (7), 916-923, 2013
Associations of biological factors and affordances in the home with infant motor development
R Saccani, NC Valentini, KRG Pereira, AB Müller, C Gabbard
Pediatrics International 55 (2), 197-203, 2013
Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2: Translation, reliability, and validity for Brazilian children
NC Valentini, MH Ramalho, MA Oliveira
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (3), 733-740, 2014
A influência de uma intervenção motora no desempenho motor e na percepção de competência de crianças com atrasos motores
NC Valentini
Revista Paulista de Educação Física 16 (1), 61-75, 2002
Percepções de competência e desenvolvimento motor de meninos e meninas: um estudo transversal
NC Valentini
Movimento. Vol. 8, n. 2 (maio/ago. 2002), p. 51-62, 2002
Prevalência de déficits motores e desordem coordenativa desenvolvimental em crianças da região Sul do Brasil
NC Valentini, MTC Coutinho, SM Pansera, VAP Santos, JLL Vieira, ...
Revista Paulista de Pediatria 30, 377-384, 2012
Desempenho motor de crianças obesas: uma investigação do processo e produto de habilidades motoras fundamentais
A Berleze, LSB Haeffner, NC Valentini
Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 9 (2), 134-44, 2007
Brazilian validation of the alberta infant motor scale
NC Valentini, R Saccani
Physical therapy 92 (3), 440-447, 2012
Body mass index, perceived and actual physical competence: the relationship among young children
BC Spessato, C Gabbard, L Robinson, NC Valentini
Child: care, health and development 39 (6), 845-850, 2013
Escala Motora Infantil de Alberta: validação para uma população gaúcha
NC Valentini, R Saccani
Revista Paulista de Pediatria 29, 231-238, 2011
The role of motor competence and body mass index in children’s activity levels in physical education classes
BC Spessato, C Gabbard, NC Valentini
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 32 (2), 118-130, 2013
Análise do desempenho motor de crianças participantes de um programa de atividades físicas
LM Brauner, NC Valentini
Revista da Educação Física/UEM 20 (2), 205-216, 2009
Publishing child development research from around the world: An unfair playing field resulting in most of the world's child population under‐represented in research
CE Draper, LM Barnett, CJ Cook, JA Cuartas, SJ Howard, DC McCoy, ...
Infant and child development 32 (6), e2375, 2023
Teste de desenvolvimento motor grosso: validade e consistência interna para uma população gaúcha
NC Valentini, MLL Barbosa, GV Cini, RK Pick, BC Spessato, ...
Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desenvolvimento humano …, 2008
Reference curves for the Brazilian Alberta Infant Motor Scale: percentiles for clinical description and follow-up over time
Jornal de Pediatria 88, 40-47, 2011
Incorporating a mastery climate into elementary physical education: It's developmentally appropriate
NC VALENTINI, ME Rudisill, JD Goodway
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 70 (7), 28-32, 1999
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