Jesus Perez Moreno
Jesus Perez Moreno
Підтверджена електронна адреса в colpos.mx
Mycorrhizas and nutrient cycling in ecosystems–a journey towards relevance?
DJ Read, J Perez‐Moreno
New phytologist 157 (3), 475-492, 2003
Mycorrhizal fungi as drivers of ecosystem processes in heathland and boreal forest biomes
DJ Read, JR Leake, J Perez-Moreno
Canadian Journal of Botany 82 (8), 1243-1263, 2004
Mobilization and transfer of nutrients from litter to tree seedlings via the vegetative mycelium of ectomycorrhizal plants
J Perez-Moreno, DJ Read
The New Phytologist 145 (2), 301-309, 2000
Reviewing the world's edible mushroom species: A new evidence‐based classification system
H Li, Y Tian, N Menolli Jr, L Ye, SC Karunarathna, J Perez‐Moreno, ...
Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety 20 (2), 1982-2014, 2021
Wild mushroom markets in central Mexico and a case study at Ozumba
J Pérez-Moreno, M Martínez-Reyes, A Yescas-Pérez, ...
Economic botany 62, 425-436, 2008
Los hongos ectomicorrízicos, lazos vivientes que conectan y nutren a los árboles en la naturaleza
J Pérez-Moreno, DJ Read
Interciencia 29 (5), 239-247, 2004
Los hongos comestibles silvestres de México, un enfoque integral
L Villarreal, J Pérez-Moreno
Micología Neotropical Aplicada 2, 77-114, 1989
Nutrient transfer from soil nematodes to plants: a direct pathway provided by the mycorrhizal mycelial network
J Perez‐Moreno, DJ Read
Plant, Cell & Environment 24 (11), 1219-1226, 2001
Edible mycorrhizal fungi of the world: What is their role in forest sustainability, food security, biocultural conservation and climate change?
J Pérez‐Moreno, A Guerin‐Laguette, AC Rinaldi, F Yu, A Verbeken, ...
Plants, People, Planet 3 (5), 471-490, 2021
Exploitation of pollen by mycorrhizal mycelial systems with special reference to nutrient recycling in boreal forests
J Perez-Moreno, DJ Read
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
Traditional knowledge and use of wild mushrooms by Mixtecs or Ñuu savi, the people of the rain, from Southeastern Mexico
FH Santiago, JP Moreno, BX Cázares, JJA Suárez, EO Trejo, ...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 12, 1-22, 2016
Actividad nitrogenasa, producción de fitohormonas, sideróforos y antibiosis en cepas de Azospirillum y Klebsiella aisladas de maíz y teocintle
MG Carcaño-Montiel, R Ferrera-Cerrato, J Pérez-Moreno, ...
Terra Latinoamericana 24 (4), 493-502, 2006
Mejoradores de la fertilidad del suelo en la agricultura de ladera de los altos de Chiapas, México
LP Novelo, AT Santos, JDE Barra, JP Moreno, AM Garza
Agrociencia 34 (3), 251-259, 2000
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in chronically petroleum‐contaminated soils in Mexico and the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on spore germination
A Franco‐Ramírez, R Ferrera‐Cerrato, L Varela‐Fregoso, ...
Journal of Basic Microbiology 47 (5), 378-383, 2007
Los hongos comestibles silvestres del parque nacional Izta-Popo, Zoquiapan y anexos
J Pérez-Moreno, A Lorenzana-Fernández, V Carrasco-Hernández, ...
Colegio de Postgraduados, SEMARNAT, CONACyT, Texcoco, Mexico, 2010
Microbiología y bioquímica del proceso de compostaje
J Moreno, S Mormeneo
Editorial. Mundiprensa. Universidad Valencia España, 115-160, 2008
Hongos silvestres con potencial nutricional, medicinal y biotecnológico comercializados en Valles Centrales, Oaxaca
M Jiménez Ruiz, J Pérez-Moreno, JJ Almaraz-Suárez, M Torres-Aquino
Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas 4 (2), 199-213, 2013
Structure and species composition of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities colonizing seedlings and adult trees of Pinus montezumae in Mexican neotropical forests
F Reverchon, M del Pilar Ortega-Larrocea, G Bonilla-Rosso, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 80 (2), 479-487, 2012
Saprophytic fungal communities change in diversity and species composition across a volcanic soil chronosequence at Sierra del Chichinautzin, Mexico
F Reverchon, P María del Ortega-Larrocea, J Pérez-Moreno
Annals of microbiology 60, 217-226, 2010
Edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms: biofactories for sustainable development
J Pérez-Moreno, M Martínez-Reyes
Biosystems engineering: biofactories for food production in the century XXI …, 2014
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