Kam D. Dahlquist
Kam D. Dahlquist
Professor of Biology, Loyola Marymount University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в lmu.edu - Домашня сторінка
GenMAPP, a new tool for viewing and analyzing microarray data on biological pathways
KD Dahlquist, N Salomonis, K Vranizan, SC Lawlor, BR Conklin
Nature genetics 31 (1), 19-20, 2002
MAPPFinder: using Gene Ontology and GenMAPP to create a global gene-expression profile from microarray data
SW Doniger, N Salomonis, KD Dahlquist, K Vranizan, SC Lawlor, ...
Genome biology 4, 1-12, 2003
The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing
E Demir, MP Cary, S Paley, K Fukuda, C Lemer, I Vastrik, G Wu, ...
Nature biotechnology 28 (9), 935-942, 2010
RNA sequence determinants for aminoglycoside binding to an A-site rRNA model oligonucleotide
MI Recht, D Fourmy, SC Blanchard, KD Dahlquist, JD Puglisi
Journal of molecular biology 262 (4), 421-436, 1996
GenMAPP 2: new features and resources for pathway analysis
N Salomonis, K Hanspers, AC Zambon, K Vranizan, SC Lawlor, ...
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-12, 2007
Regression approaches for microarray data analysis
MR Segal, KD Dahlquist, BR Conklin
Journal of Computational Biology 10 (6), 961-980, 2003
Effect of mutations in the A site of 16 S rRNA on aminoglycoside antibiotic-ribosome interaction
MI Recht, S Douthwaite, KD Dahlquist, JD Puglisi
Journal of molecular biology 286 (1), 33-43, 1999
Interaction of translation initiation factor IF1 with the E. coli ribosomal A site
KD Dahlquist, JD Puglisi
Journal of molecular biology 299 (1), 1-15, 2000
Aminoglycoside antibiotics and decoding
JD Puglisi, SC Blanchard, KD Dahlquist, RG Eason, D Fourmy, SR Lynch, ...
The ribosome: Structure, function, antibiotics, and cellular interactions …, 2000
A “rule-of-five” framework for models and modeling to unify mathematicians and biologists and improve student learning
C Diaz Eaton, HC Highlander, KD Dahlquist, G Ledder, MD LaMar, ...
Primus 29 (8), 799-829, 2019
Using Gen MAPP and MAPPFinder to View Microarray Data on Biological Pathways and Identify Global Trends in the Data
KD Dahlquist
Current Protocols in Bioinformatics 5 (1), 7.5. 1-7.5. 26, 2004
Improving the computer science in bioinformatics through open source pedagogy
JDN Dionisio, KD Dahlquist
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 40 (2), 115-119, 2008
Parameter Estimation for Gene Regulatory Networks from Microarray Data: Cold Shock Response in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
KD Dahlquist, BG Fitzpatrick, ET Camacho, SD Entzminger, NC Wanner
Bulletin of mathematical biology 77, 1457-1492, 2015
Microarray annotation and biological information on function
B Brors
Methods of information in medicine 44 (03), 468-472, 2005
The Ribosome: Structure, Function, Antibiotics, and Cellular Interactions
JD Puglisi, SC Blanchard, KD Dahlquist, RG Eason, D Fourmy, SR Lynch, ...
Garrett, RA, 419-429, 2000
Investigating the structure and function of translation initiation factor 1 in Escherichia coli
K Dahlquist, JD Puglisi
Nucleic acids symposium series, 170-171, 1995
GRNsight: a web application and service for visualizing models of small-to medium-scale gene regulatory networks
KD Dahlquist, JDN Dionisio, BG Fitzpatrick, NA Anguiano, A Varshneya, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 2, e85, 2016
An invitation to modeling: building a community with shared explicit practices
KD Dahlquist, ML Aikens, JT Dauer, SS Donovan, CD Eaton, ...
PeerJ Preprints 5, e3215v1, 2017
GRNmap and GRNsight: open source software for dynamical systems modeling and visualization of medium-scale gene regulatory networks [v1; not peer reviewed]
KD Dahlquist, BG Fitzpatrick, JDN Dionisio, NA Anguiano, JS Carrillo, ...
F1000Research 5 (ISCB Comm J), 1618, 2016
Candidate genes for chromosomes 6 and 10 quantitative trait loci for age-related retinal degeneration in mice
DG Ogando, KD Dahlquist, M Alizadeh, K Kunchithapautham, J Li, N Yu, ...
Molecular Vision 16, 1004, 2010
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