Steven Steven
Steven Steven
Підтверджена електронна адреса в material.itb.ac.id
Characterising thermal behaviour of buildings and its effect on urban heat island in tropical areas
S Wonorahardjo, IM Sutjahja, Y Mardiyati, H Andoni, D Thomas, ...
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 11, 129-142, 2020
Effect of different building façade systems on thermal comfort and urban heat island phenomenon: An experimental analysis
S Wonorahardjo, IM Sutjahja, Y Mardiyati, H Andoni, RA Achsani, ...
Building and Environment 217, 109063, 2022
Cladophora algae cellulose and starch based bio-composite as an alternative for environmentally friendly packaging material
S Steven, I Octiano, Y Mardiyati
AIP Conference Proceedings 2262 (1), 2020
Effects of alkali treatment on the mechanical and thermal properties of Sansevieria trifasciata fiber
M Mardiyati, S Steven, RR Rizkiansyah, A Senoaji, R Suratman
AIP conference proceedings 1725 (1), 2016
Facile Preparation of Cellulose Bioplastic from Cladophora sp. Algae via Hydrogel Method
S Steven, AN Fauza, Y Mardiyati, SP Santosa, SM Shoimah
Polymers 14 (21), 4699, 2022
A silica–lignin hybrid filler in a natural rubber foam composite as a green oil spill absorbent
Y Mardiyati, AN Fauza, OA Rachman, S Steven, SP Santosa
Polymers 14 (14), 2930, 2022
Crystallinity and thermal resistance of microcrystalline cellulose prepared from manau rattan (Calamusmanan)
RR Rizkiansyah, M Mardiyati, S Steven, R Suratman
AIP Conference Proceedings 1725 (1), 2016
Effect of maleic anhydride treatment on the mechanical properties of sansevieria fiber/vinyl ester composites
R Pradipta, M Mardiyati, S Steven, I Purnomo
AIP conference proceedings 1823 (1), 2017
Pembuatan mikrokristalin selulosa rotan manau (calamus manan sp.) serta karakterisasinya
Jurnal Selulosa 4 (2), 89-96, 2014
Binderless, all-lignin briquette from black liquor waste: isolation, purification, and characterization
Y Mardiyati, EY Tarigan, P Prawisudha, SM Shoimah, RR Rizkiansyah, ...
Molecules 26 (3), 650, 2021
From Electronic Waste to 3D-Printed Product, How Multiple Recycling Affects High-Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) Filament Performances
EW Hanitio, NR Lutfhyansyah, BM Efendi, Y Mardiyati, S Steven
Materials 16 (9), 3412, 2023
pengaruh product placement terhadap brand awareness “bmw” pada film mission impossible: fallout
S Steven, RH Sudrajat
Scriptura 8 (2), 75-82, 2018
Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Separator Baterai Berbahan Selulosa Alga Cladophora
AN Fauza, MM Mardiyati, S Steven
J. Teknol. Bahan Dan Barang Tek 9 (2), 69, 2019
Serat kapuk sebagai bahan baku pembuatan mikrokristalin selulosa
M Mardiyati, RR Rizkiansyah, S Steven, A Basuki, R Suratman
Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 17 (4), 172-176, 2018
Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline cellulose from cladophora sp. algae
S Steven, Y Mardiyati, SM Shoimah, RR Rizkiansyah, SP Santosa, ...
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 2021
Development of sansevieria trifasciata/natural rubber composites for a soft body armor application
Y Mardiyati, DA Putra, L Fauziah, OA Rachman, A Hariyanto, S Steven
Composites Part C: Open Access 12, 100407, 2023
Dampak pemberian mikroplastik poliethilen peroral terhadap hitung jenis sel leukosit darah Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar
Y Sincihu
Medical Technology and Public Health Journal 6 (1), 1-10, 2022
Non-Wood paper from coffee pulp Waste: How its performance as coffee filter
RR Rizkiansyah, Y Mardiyati, A Hariyanto, S Steven, T Dirgantara
Cleaner Materials 12, 100241, 2024
High-Performance Cladophora-Algae-Based Paper for Honeycomb Core in Sandwich-Structured Composite: Preparation and Characterizations
Y Mardiyati, AN Fauza, S Steven, OA Rachman, T Dirgantara, A Hariyanto
Polymers 15 (6), 1359, 2023
Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Hidrolisis Asam Sulfat Terhadap Sifat Me-kanik Plastik Selulosa Teregenerasi dari Kapas Limbah Tekstil dengan Pelarut NaOH/Urea
RR Rizkiansyah, M Mardiyati, S Steven
Jurnal sains materi Indonesia 19 (3), 105-112, 2018
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