Donald Ripatti
Donald Ripatti
Scientist at Exponent
Підтверджена електронна адреса в stanford.edu
Enhancing carbon dioxide gas-diffusion electrolysis by creating a hydrophobic catalyst microenvironment
Z Xing, L Hu, DS Ripatti, X Hu, X Feng
Nature communications 12 (1), 136, 2021
Carbon monoxide gas diffusion electrolysis that produces concentrated C2 products with high single-pass conversion
DS Ripatti, TR Veltman, MW Kanan
Joule 3 (1), 240-256, 2019
Comparative measure of the electronic influence of highly substituted aryl isocyanides
AE Carpenter, CC Mokhtarzadeh, DS Ripatti, I Havrylyuk, R Kamezawa, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 54 (6), 2936-2944, 2015
Chloro- and Trifluoromethyl-Substituted Flanking-Ring m-Terphenyl Isocyanides: η6-Arene Binding to Zero-Valent Molybdenum Centers and Comparison to Alkyl …
TB Ditri, AE Carpenter, DS Ripatti, CE Moore, AL Rheingold, JS Figueroa
Inorganic Chemistry 52 (22), 13216-13229, 2013
Improving the energy efficiency of CO electrolysis by controlling Cu domain size in gas diffusion electrodes
JA Rabinowitz, DS Ripatti, RG Mariano, MW Kanan
ACS Energy Letters 7 (11), 4098-4105, 2022
Carbon monoxide gas diffusion electrolysis that produces concentrated C2 products with high single-pass conversion. Joule 3, 240–256
DS Ripatti, TR Veltman, MW Kanan
Electrochemical cells and cathodes for the production of concentrated product streams from the reduction of CO and/or CO2
MW Kanan, DS Ripatti, TR Veltman
US Patent 11,479,871, 2022
Carbon Monoxide Gas Diffusion Electrolysis That Produces Concentrated C2 Products with High Single-Pass Conversion. Joule 2019, 3 (1), 240–256
DS Ripatti, TR Veltman, MW Kanan
Microplastics & The Textile Industry
ASGDR Davis Lee, Erin Kirkpatrick
Textile World, 2020
Nanostructured Cu Electrodes for Energy-Efficient Conversion of CO2 to Fuel
MW Kanan, C Li, A Yau, D Ripatti, X Feng, C Li
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