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193 2011 Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2011 Y Wang, J Nie, PT Yap, F Shi, L Guo, D Shen
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172 2011 Bone surface localization in ultrasound using image phase-based features I Hacihaliloglu, R Abugharbieh, AJ Hodgson, RN Rohling
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160 2009 Symmetry-based scalable lossless compression of 3D medical image data V Sanchez, R Abugharbieh, P Nasiopoulos
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115 2009 Live-vessel: Extending livewire for simultaneous extraction of optimal medial and boundary paths in vascular images K Poon, G Hamarneh, R Abugharbieh
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109 2007 Motor reserve and novel area recruitment: amplitude and spatial characteristics of compensation in Parkinson’s disease SJ Palmer, B Ng, R Abugharbieh, L Eigenraam, MJ McKeown
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78 2008 3-D scalable medical image compression with optimized volume of interest coding V Sanchez, R Abugharbieh, P Nasiopoulos
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72 2009 Efficient interactive 3D Livewire segmentation of complex objects with arbitrary topology M Poon, G Hamarneh, R Abugharbieh
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71 1997 Spotlight: Automated confidence-based user guidance for increasing efficiency in interactive 3D image segmentation A Top, G Hamarneh, R Abugharbieh
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65 2012 Underdetermined Anechoic Blind Source Separation via -Basis-Pursuit With R Saab, O Yilmaz, MJ McKeown, R Abugharbieh
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56 2010 A systematic review and meta-analysis on the reproducibility of ultrasound-based metrics for assessing developmental dysplasia of the hip N Quader, EK Schaeffer, AJ Hodgson, R Abugharbieh, K Mulpuri
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52 2018 Generalized sparse classifiers for decoding cognitive states in fMRI B Ng, A Vahdat, G Hamarneh, R Abugharbieh
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51 2010 Compensation method for attenuated planar laser images of optically dense sprays R Abu-Gharbieh, JL Persson, M Försth, A Rosen, A Karlström, ...
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