Michael J. Lawson
Michael J. Lawson
Senior Research Scientist, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nrel.gov
Methodology for design and economic analysis of marine energy conversion (MEC) technologies
VS Neary, M Lawson, M Previsic, A Copping, KC Hallett, A Labonte, ...
Development and demonstration of the WEC-Sim wave energy converter simulation tool
M Lawson, YH Yu, K Ruehl, C Michelen
Preliminary verification and validation of WEC-Sim, an open-source wave energy converter design tool
K Ruehl, C Michelen, S Kanner, M Lawson, YH Yu
International conference on offshore mechanics and arctic engineering 45547 …, 2014
A simulation study demonstrating the importance of large-scale trailing vortices in wake steering
P Fleming, J Annoni, M Churchfield, LA Martinez-Tossas, K Gruchalla, ...
Wind Energy Science 3 (1), 243-255, 2018
Development and verification of a computational fluid dynamics model of a horizontal-axis tidal current turbine
MJ Lawson, Y Li, DC Sale
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 44373 …, 2011
Structural design of a horizontal-axis tidal current turbine composite blade
GS Bir, MJ Lawson, Y Li
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 44373 …, 2011
Marine energy in the United States: An overview of opportunities
L Kilcher, M Fogarty, M Lawson
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2021
Seedless velocimetry measurements by schlieren image velocimetry
MJ Hargather, MJ Lawson, GS Settles, LM Weinstein
AIAA journal 49 (3), 611-620, 2011
Implementing nonlinear buoyancy and excitation forces in the wec-sim wave energy converter modeling tool
M Lawson, YH Yu, A Nelessen, K Ruehl, C Michelen
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45547 …, 2014
Heat transfer augmentation along the tube wall of a louvered fin heat exchanger using practical delta winglets
MJ Lawson, KA Thole
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (9-10), 2346-2360, 2008
A computational study of odorant transport and deposition in the canine nasal cavity: implications for olfaction
MJ Lawson, BA Craven, EG Paterson, GS Settles
Chemical senses 37 (6), 553-566, 2012
Development of a nearshore oscillating surge wave energy converter with variable geometry
NM Tom, MJ Lawson, YH Yu, AD Wright
Renewable Energy 96, 410-424, 2016
Development and verification of a high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics model of canine nasal airflow
BA Craven, EG Paterson, GS Settles, MJ Lawson
Expert elicitation on wind farm control
JW van Wingerden, PA Fleming, T Göçmen, I Eguinoa, BM Doekemeijer, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1618 (2), 022025, 2020
WEC3: Wave energy converters modelling code comparison project
A Combourieu, M Lawson, A Babarit, K Ruehl, A Roy, R Costello, ...
11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC2015), 2015
Spectral modeling of an oscillating surge wave energy converter with control surfaces
N Tom, M Lawson, YH Yu, A Wright
Applied Ocean Research 56, 143-156, 2016
Experimental wave tank test for reference model 3 floating-point absorber wave energy converter project
YH Yu, M Lawson, Y Li, M Previsic, J Epler, J Lou
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2015
Application of the most likely extreme response method for wave energy converters
E Quon, A Platt, YH Yu, M Lawson
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 49972 …, 2016
Preliminary wave energy converters extreme load analysis
YH Yu, J Van Rij, R Coe, M Lawson
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 56574 …, 2015
Pseudo-spectral control of a novel oscillating surge wave energy converter in regular waves for power optimization including load reduction
NM Tom, YH Yu, AD Wright, MJ Lawson
Ocean Engineering 137, 352-366, 2017
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