Matthew R Reynolds
Matthew R Reynolds
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ku.edu
Higher order, multisample, confirmatory factor analysis of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--: What does it measure?
TZ Keith, JG Fine, GE Taub, MR Reynolds, JH Kranzler
School Psychology Review, 2006
Using confirmatory factor analysis to aid in understanding the constructs measured by intelligence tests
TZ Keith, MR Reynolds
Contemporary Intellectual Assessment: Theories, tests, and issues. (Third …, 2012
Cattell–Horn–Carroll abilities and cognitive tests: What we've learned from 20 years of research
TZ Keith, MR Reynolds
Psychology in the Schools 47 (7), 635-650, 2010
Are cognitive< i> g</i> and academic achievement< i> g</i> one and the same< i> g</i>? An exploration on the Woodcock–Johnson and Kaufman tests
SB Kaufman, MR Reynolds, X Liu, AS Kaufman, KS McGrew
Intelligence, 2012
Sex differences in latent cognitive abilities ages 6 to 59: Evidence from the Woodcock–Johnson III tests of cognitive abilities
TZ Keith, MR Reynolds, PG Patel, KP Ridley
Intelligence 36 (6), 502-525, 2008
Gender differences in achievement in a large, nationally representative sample of children and adolescents
C Scheiber, MR Reynolds, DB Hajovsky, AS Kaufman
Psychology in the Schools 52 (4), 335-348, 2015
Gender Differences in Academic Achievement: Is Writing an Exception to the Gender Similarities Hypothesis?
MR Reynolds, C Scheiber, DB Hajovsky, B Schwartz, AS Kaufman
The Journal of genetic psychology 176 (4), 211-234, 2015
Sex differences in latent general and broad cognitive abilities for children and youth: Evidence from higher-order MG-MACS and MIMIC models
MR Reynolds, TZ Keith, KP Ridley, PG Patel
Intelligence 36 (3), 236-260, 2008
Confirmatory factor structure of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children--: Consistency with Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory.
MR Reynolds, TZ Keith, JG Fine, ME Fisher, JA Low
School Psychology Quarterly 22 (4), 511, 2007
Multi-group and hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fifth Edition: What does it measure?
MR Reynolds, TZ Keith
Intelligence 62, 31-47, 2017
A cross-battery, reference variable, confirmatory factor analytic investigation of the CHC taxonomy
MR Reynolds, TZ Keith, DP Flanagan, VC Alfonso
Journal of School Psychology 51 (4), 535-555, 2013
Effects of cognitive abilities on child and youth academic achievement: Evidence from the WISC-V and WIAT-III
JM Caemmerer, DLS Maddocks, TZ Keith, MR Reynolds
Intelligence 68, 6-20, 2018
Spearman's law of diminishing returns in hierarchical models of intelligence for children and adolescents
MR Reynolds, TZ Keith
Intelligence 35 (3), 267-281, 2007
Beyond individual intelligence tests: Application of Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
JM Caemmerer, TZ Keith, MR Reynolds
Intelligence 79, 101433, 2020
A dynamic developmental link between verbal comprehension-knowledge (Gc) and reading comprehension: Verbal comprehension-knowledge drives positive change in reading comprehension
MR Reynolds, JJ Turek
Journal of School Psychology 50, 841-863, 2012
Sex differences in latent cognitive abilities ages 5 to 17: Evidence from the Differential Ability Scales—Second Edition
TZ Keith, MR Reynolds, LG Roberts, AL Winter, CA Austin
Intelligence 39 (5), 389-404, 2011
Comparison of methods for factor extraction for cognitive test-like data: Which overfactor, which underfactor?
TZ Keith, JM Caemmerer, MR Reynolds
Intelligence 54, 37-54, 2016
An Alternative Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) Factor Structure of the WAIS-IV: Age Invariance of an Alternative Model for Ages 70–90.
CR Niileksela, MR Reynolds, AS Kaufman
Psychological Assessment 25 (2), 391-404, 2013
Higher‐order factor structure of the Differential Ability Scales–II: Consistency across ages 4 to 17
TZ Keith, JA Low, MR Reynolds, PG Patel, KP Ridley
Psychology in the Schools 47 (7), 676-697, 2010
Measurement and statistical issues in child assessment research
MR Reynolds, TZ Keith
The Oxford handbook of child psychological assessment, 48-83, 2013
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