Tesfalem Abraham
Tesfalem Abraham
Chair of Hydrological Modeling and Water Resources, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Підтверджена електронна адреса в hydrology.uni-freiburg.de
Hydrological responses of climate change on Lake Ziway catchment, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
T Abraham, A Woldemicheala, A Muluneha, B Abateb
J. Earth Sci. Clim. Change 9 (6), 474, 2018
Prediction at ungauged catchments through parameter optimization and uncertainty estimation to quantify the regional water balance of the Ethiopian rift valley lake basin
T Abraham, Y Liu, S Tekleab, A Hartmann
Hydrology 9 (8), 150, 2022
Impacts of climate change under CMIP5 RCP scenarios on the hydrology of Lake Ziway catchment, central rift valley of Ethiopia
T Abraham, B Abate, A Woldemicheal, A Muluneh
J. Environ. Earth Sci 8 (7), 2018
Impact of Land Use Land Cover Dynamics on Water Balance, Lake Ziway Watershed, Ethiopia
TA Behailu N
Hydrology: Current Research 9 (4), 2018
Quantitative evaluation of watershed attributes for water resources management in the Rift Valley Lakes Basin, Ethiopia: a case from Tikur Wuha river watershed
R Girma, T Abraham, A Muluneh
Applied Water Science 10 (196), 2020
Quantifying the regional water balance of the Ethiopian Rift Valley Lake basin using an uncertainty estimation framework
T Abraham, Y Liu, S Tekleab, A Hartmann
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-25, 2021
Quantifying sensitivity of groundwater recharge to land use and land cover changes by improving model performance on the wetland dominated Tikur Wuha watershed, Ethiopia
T Abraham, A Muluneh, R Girma, A Hartmann, S Tekleab
Water Cycle 3, 112-125, 2022
An investigation into the future changes in rainfall onset, cessation and length of rainy season in the Oti River Basin, West Africa
D Kwawuvi, D Mama, SK Agodzo, A Hartmann, I Larbi, E Bessah, ...
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8 (4), 5077-5095, 2022
Quantifying impacts of future climate on the crop water requirement, growth period, and drought on the agricultural watershed, in Ethiopia
T Abraham, A Muluneh
Air, Soil and Water Research 15, 11786221221135151, 2022
Evaluating the performances of gridded satellite/reanalysis products in representing the rainfall climatology of Ethiopia
E Aniley, T Gashaw, T Abraham, SF Demessie, HK Bayabil, AW Worqlul, ...
Geocarto International 38 (1), 2278329, 2023
Climate change potentially induces ecological change in the Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes Basin
T Abraham, Y Liu, S Tekleab, A Hartmann
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 50, 101543, 2023
Global hydrological parameter estimates to local applications: Influence of forcing and catchment properties
J Schalla, A Hartmann, T Abraham, Y Liu
Hydrology Research 54 (4), 475-490, 2023
Assessing impacts of future climate on the crop water requirement and growth period. A case of Lake Hawassa watershed, Ethiopia
T Abraham, A Muluneh
Hybrid emotional neural networks and novel multi-model stacking algorithms for multi-lake water level fluctuation modeling
G Gelete, T Gichamo, T Abraham, H Gokcekus
Earth Science Informatics 18 (2), 260, 2025
An Uncertainty Estimation Framework to Quantify the Water Balance of Ethiopian Rift Valley Lake basin
T Abraham, Y Liu, S Tekleab, A Hartmann
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-5014, 2021
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