Gideon Hulata
Gideon Hulata
Підтверджена електронна адреса в volcani.agri.gov.il - Домашня сторінка
The genomic substrate for adaptive radiation in African cichlid fish
D Brawand, CE Wagner, YI Li, M Malinsky, I Keller, S Fan, O Simakov, ...
Nature 513 (7518), 375-381, 2014
Genetic manipulations in aquaculture: a review of stock improvement by classical and modern technologies
G Hulata
Genetica 111, 155-173, 2001
A Second-Generation Genetic Linkage Map of Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.)
BY Lee, WJ Lee, JT Streelman, KL Carleton, AE Howe, G Hulata, ...
Genetics 170 (1), 237-244, 2005
Breeding new strains of tilapia: development of an artificial center of origin and linkage map based on AFLP and microsatellite loci
JJ Agresti, S Seki, A Cnaani, S Poompuang, EM Hallerman, N Umiel, ...
Aquaculture 185 (1-2), 43-56, 2000
A review of genetic improvement of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and other cyprinids by crossbreeding, hybridization and selection
G Hulata
Aquaculture 129 (1-4), 143-155, 1995
Genetics of sex determination in tilapiine species
A Cnaani, BY Lee, N Zilberman, C Ozouf-Costaz, G Hulata, M Ron, ...
Sexual development 2 (1), 43-54, 2008
Comparative study of biochemical parameters in response to stress in Oreochromis aureus, O. mossambicus and two strains of O. niloticus
A Cnaani, S Tinman, Y Avidar, M Ron, G Hulata
Aquaculture research 35 (15), 1434-1440, 2004
Two unlinked loci controlling the sex of blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus)
BY Lee, G Hulata, TD Kocher
Heredity 92 (6), 543-549, 2004
Detection of a chromosomal region with two quantitative trait loci, affecting cold tolerance and fish size, in an F2 tilapia hybrid
A Cnaani, EM Hallerman, M Ron, JI Weller, M Indelman, Y Kashi, ...
Aquaculture 223 (1-4), 117-128, 2003
Intensive polyculture of fish in freshwater ponds. I. Substitution of expensive feeds by liquid cow manure
R Moav, G Wohlfarth, GL Schroeder, G Hulata, H Barash
Aquaculture 10 (1), 25-43, 1977
Use and exchange of genetic resources of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
AE Eknath, G Hulata
Reviews in Aquaculture 1 (3‐4), 197-213, 2009
Cold tolerance of tilapia species and hybrids
A Cnaani, GAE Gall, G Hulata
Aquaculture International 8, 289-298, 2000
Amh and Dmrta2 Genes Map to Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) Linkage Group 23 Within Quantitative Trait Locus Regions for Sex Determination
A Shirak, E Seroussi, A Cnaani, AE Howe, R Domokhovsky, N Zilberman, ...
Genetics 174 (3), 1573-1581, 2006
All-male broods of Tilapia nilotica× T. aurea hybrids
Y Pruginin, S Rothbard, G Wohlfarth, A Halevy, R Moav, G Hulata
Aquaculture 6 (1), 11-21, 1975
Studies on the natural food of different fish species in intensively manured polyculture ponds
P Spataru, GW Wohlfarth, G Hulata
Aquaculture 35, 283-298, 1983
Review of the status of aquaculture genetics
RA Dunham, K Majumdar, E Hallerman, D Bartley, G Mair, G Hulata, Z Liu, ...
Aquaculture in the Third Millennium. Technical Proceedings of the Conference …, 2000
Mass selection for growth rate in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
G Hulata, GW Wohlfarth, A Halevy
Aquaculture 57 (1-4), 177-184, 1986
Genome-scan analysis for quantitative trait loci in an F2 tilapia hybrid
A Cnaani, N Zilberman, S Tinman, G Hulata, M Ron
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 272, 162-172, 2004
Applied genetics of tilapias
GW Wohlfarth, GI Hulata
Relationship between intestinal brush border enzymatic activity and growth rate in tilapias fed diets containing 30% or 48% protein
Y Hakim, Z Uni, G Hulata, S Harpaz
Aquaculture 257 (1-4), 420-428, 2006
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