Syuhaida Ismail
Syuhaida Ismail
Director of Research, Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в utm.my
Timing of surgery following SARS‐CoV‐2 infection: an international prospective cohort study
D Lobo, JM Devys
Anaesthesia 77 (1), 110, 2021
Causes of delay in residential construction projects in Cambodia
S Durdyev, M Omarov, S Ismail
Cogent Engineering 4 (1), 1291117, 2017
Structural equation model of the factors affecting construction labor productivity
S Durdyev, S Ismail, N Kandymov
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 144 (4), 04018007, 2018
A partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) of barriers to sustainable construction in Malaysia
S Durdyev, S Ismail, A Ihtiyar, NFSA Bakar, A Darko
Journal of cleaner production 204, 564-572, 2018
Sustainable enterprise resource planning: imperatives and research directions
AG Chofreh, FA Goni, AM Shaharoun, S Ismail, JJ Klemeš
Journal of Cleaner Production 71, 139-147, 2014
Reviewing the notions of construction project success
WS Han, AM Yusof, S Ismail, NC Aun
International Journal of Business and Management 7 (1), 90, 2012
Key factors affecting construction safety performance in developing countries: Evidence from Cambodia
S Durdyev, S Mohamed, ML Lay, S Ismail
Construction Economics and Building 17 (4), 48-65, 2017
Factors causing cost overruns in construction of residential projects: case study of Turkey
S Durdyev, S Ismail, NA Bakar
International Journal of Science and Management 1 (1), 3-12, 2012
SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study.
C COVIDSurg, C GlobalSurg
Anaesthesia 77 (1), 28-39, 2022
On-site construction productivity in Malaysian infrastructure projects
S Durdyev, S Ismail
Structural Survey 34 (4/5), 446-462, 2016
Barriers to green roof installation: An integrated fuzzy-based MCDM approach
A Mahdiyar, SR Mohandes, S Durdyev, S Tabatabaee, S Ismail
Journal of Cleaner Production 269, 122365, 2020
Offsite manufacturing in the construction industry for productivity improvement
S Durdyev, S Ismail
Engineering Management Journal 31 (1), 35-46, 2019
An assessment model of benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks of green roof installation: A multi criteria decision making approach
S Tabatabaee, A Mahdiyar, S Durdyev, SR Mohandes, S Ismail
Journal of Cleaner Production 238, 117956, 2019
Influence of artificial intelligence in civil engineering toward sustainable development—a systematic literature review
B Manzoor, I Othman, S Durdyev, S Ismail, MH Wahab
Applied System Innovation 4 (3), 52, 2021
A master plan for the implementation of sustainable enterprise resource planning systems (part I): concept and methodology
AG Chofreh, FA Goni, S Ismail, AM Shaharoun, JJ Klemeš, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 136, 176-182, 2016
Barriers to the use of integrated project delivery (IPD): a quantified model for Malaysia
S Durdyev, MR Hosseini, I Martek, S Ismail, M Arashpour
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 27 (1), 186-204, 2019
Assessing construction labours’ safety level: A fuzzy MCDM approach
SR Mohandes, H Sadeghi, A Mahdiyar, S Durdyev, A Banaitis, K Yahya, ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 26 (2), 175-188, 2020
Role of the construction industry in economic development of Turkmenistan
S Durdyev, S Ismail
Changes 64 (0), 2012
Safety program elements in the construction industry: the case of Iraq
MK Buniya, I Othman, S Durdyev, RY Sunindijo, S Ismail, AF Kineber
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (2), 411, 2021
Public construction projects performance in Malaysia
NA Jatarona, AM Yusof, S Ismail, CC Saar
Journal of Southeast Asian Research 2016, 1-7, 2016
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