Marion Van Horn
Marion Van Horn
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D-serine as a gliotransmitter and its roles in brain development and disease
MRV Horn, M Sild, ES Ruthazer
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 7, 39, 2013
The neural control of fast vs. slow vergence eye movements
KE Cullen, MR Van Horn
European Journal of Neuroscience 33 (11), 2147-2154, 2011
Vergence neurons identified in the rostral superior colliculus code smooth eye movements in 3D space
MR Van Horn, DM Waitzman, KE Cullen
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (17), 7274-7284, 2013
The brain stem saccadic burst generator encodes gaze in three-dimensional space
MR Van Horn, PA Sylvestre, KE Cullen
Journal of neurophysiology 99 (5), 2602-2616, 2008
Coding of microsaccades in three-dimensional space by premotor saccadic neurons
MR Van Horn, KE Cullen
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (6), 1974-1980, 2012
Neuronal evidence for individual eye control in the primate cMRF
DM Waitzman, MR Van Horn, KE Cullen
Progress in brain research 171, 143-150, 2008
Disk-Shaped Amperometric Enzymatic Biosensor for in Vivo Detection of d-serine
D Polcari, A Kwan, MR Van Horn, L Danis, L Pollegioni, ES Ruthazer, ...
Analytical Chemistry 86 (7), 3501-3507, 2014
The gliotransmitter d-serine promotes synapse maturation and axonal stabilization in vivo
MR Van Horn, A Strasser, LS Miraucourt, L Pollegioni, ES Ruthazer
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (26), 6277-6288, 2017
Dynamic coding of vertical facilitated vergence by premotor saccadic burst neurons
MR Van Horn, KE Cullen
Journal of Neurophysiology 100 (4), 1967-1982, 2008
Glial regulation of synapse maturation and stabilization in the developing nervous system
MR Van Horn, ES Ruthazer
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 54, 113-119, 2019
Neural activity-dependent regulation of radial glial filopodial motility is mediated by glial cGMP-dependent protein kinase 1 and contributes to synapse maturation in the …
M Sild, MR Van Horn, A Schohl, D Jia, ES Ruthazer
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (19), 5279-5288, 2016
Dynamic characterization of agonist and antagonist oculomotoneurons during conjugate and disconjugate eye movements
MR Van Horn, KE Cullen
Journal of neurophysiology 102 (1), 28-40, 2009
Brainstem pathways and premotor control
KE Cullen, MR Van Horn
The Oxford Handbook of Eye Movements, 151-172, 2011
Astrocytes use a novel transporter to fill gliotransmitter vesicles with D-serine: evidence for vesicular synergy
M Sild, MR Van Horn
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (25), 10193-10194, 2013
Local neural processing and the generation of dynamic motor commands within the saccadic premotor network
MR Van Horn, DE Mitchell, C Massot, KE Cullen
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (32), 10905-10917, 2010
Neuron-astrocyte networking: astrocytes orchestrate and respond to changes in neuronal network activity across brain states and behaviors
MR Van Horn, NJ Benfey, C Shikany, LJ Severs, T Deemyad
Journal of neurophysiology 126 (2), 627-636, 2021
Editors’ Choice—A Miniaturized Enzymatic Biosensor for Detection of Sensory-Evoked D-serine Release in the Brain
S Moussa, MR Van Horn, A Shah, L Pollegioni, CJ Thibodeaux, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (2), 025502, 2021
Neuroanatomie des okulomotorischen Systems
S Heermann
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 234 (11), 1334-1343, 2017
Tracking an invisible target reveals spatial tuning of neurons in the rostral superior colliculus is not dependent on visual stimuli
MR Van Horn
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (3), 589-590, 2009
Listening to Npas4: a transcription factor is the prescription for restoring youthful plasticity in the mature brain
MR Van Horn, ES Ruthazer
The Journal of Physiology 590 (Pt 19), 4637, 2012
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