Catherine Sandhofer
Catherine Sandhofer
Підтверджена електронна адреса в psych.ucla.edu - Домашня сторінка
A theory of the discovery and predication of relational concepts.
LAA Doumas, JE Hummel, CM Sandhofer
Psychological review 115 (1), 1, 2008
The spacing effect in children’s memory and category induction
HA Vlach, CM Sandhofer, N Kornell
Cognition 109 (1), 163-167, 2008
Counting nouns and verbs in the input: Differential frequencies, different kinds of learning?
CM Sandhofer, LB Smith, J Luo
Journal of child language 27 (3), 561-585, 2000
Gestures convey substantive information about a child’s thoughts to ordinary listeners
S Goldin‐Meadow, CM Sandhofer
Developmental Science 2 (1), 67-74, 1999
Distributing learning over time: The spacing effect in children’s acquisition and generalization of science concepts
HA Vlach, CM Sandhofer
Child development 83 (4), 1137-1144, 2012
Learning color words involves learning a system of mappings.
CM Sandhofer, LB Smith
Developmental Psychology 35 (3), 668, 1999
Fast mapping across time: Memory processes support children’s retention of learned words
HA Vlach, CM Sandhofer
Frontiers in psychology 3, 46, 2012
Acquisition of the cardinal word principle: The role of input
KS Mix, CM Sandhofer, JA Moore, C Russell
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27 (2), 274-283, 2012
Gender biases in early number exposure to preschool-aged children
A Chang, CM Sandhofer, CS Brown
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 30 (4), 440-450, 2011
Developmental differences in children’s context-dependent word learning
HA Vlach, CM Sandhofer
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 108 (2), 394-401, 2011
At the same time or apart in time? The role of presentation timing and retrieval dynamics in generalization.
HA Vlach, AA Ankowski, CM Sandhofer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (1), 246, 2012
Learning adjectives in the real world: How learning nouns impedes learning adjectives
C Sandhofer, LB Smith
Language learning and development 3 (3), 233-267, 2007
Spacing simultaneously promotes multiple forms of learning in children's science curriculum
M Gluckman, HA Vlach, CM Sandhofer
Applied Cognitive Psychology 28 (2), 266-273, 2014
Why children learn color and size words so differently: evidence from adults' learning of artificial terms.
CM Sandhofer, LB Smith
Journal of experimental psychology: General 130 (4), 600, 2001
Number words and number concepts: The interplay of verbal and nonverbal quantification in early childhood
KS Mix, CM Sandhofer, AJ Baroody
Advances in child development and behavior 33, 305-346, 2005
Retrieval dynamics and retention in cross‐situational statistical word learning
HA Vlach, CM Sandhofer
Cognitive Science 38 (4), 757-774, 2014
Order of presentation effects in learning color categories
CM Sandhofer, LAA Doumas
Journal of Cognition and Development 9 (2), 194-221, 2008
Comparison of different definitions of the metabolic syndrome
A Sandhofer, B Iglseder, B Paulweber, CF Ebenbichler, JR Patsch
European journal of clinical investigation 37 (2), 109-116, 2007
Learning to talk about the properties of objects: A network model of the development of dimensions.
LB Smith, M Gasser, CM Sandhofer
Academic Press, 1997
Do we need a number sense?
KS Mix, CM Sandhofer
Psychology Press, 2007
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