Emanuele Gruppioni
Emanuele Gruppioni
Centro Protesi INAIL, Technical Director of the Research Area
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Sockets for limb prostheses: a review of existing technologies and open challenges
L Paternò, M Ibrahimi, E Gruppioni, A Menciassi, L Ricotti
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 65 (9), 1996-2010, 2018
Fine detection of grasp force and posture by amputees via surface electromyography
C Castellini, E Gruppioni, A Davalli, G Sandini
Journal of Physiology-Paris 103 (3-5), 255-262, 2009
The Hannes hand prosthesis replicates the key biological properties of the human hand
M Laffranchi, N Boccardo, S Traverso, L Lombardi, M Canepa, A Lince, ...
Science robotics 5 (46), eabb0467, 2020
Restoring tactile sensations via neural interfaces for real-time force-and-slippage closed-loop control of bionic hands
L Zollo, G Di Pino, AL Ciancio, F Ranieri, F Cordella, C Gentile, E Noce, ...
Science robotics 4 (27), eaau9924, 2019
NLR, MLP, SVM, and LDA: a comparative analysis on EMG data from people with trans-radial amputation
A Dellacasa Bellingegni, E Gruppioni, G Colazzo, A Davalli, R Sacchetti, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14, 1-16, 2017
Optimization of EMG-based hand gesture recognition: Supervised vs. unsupervised data preprocessing on healthy subjects and transradial amputees
F Riillo, LR Quitadamo, F Cavrini, E Gruppioni, CA Pinto, NC Pastò, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 14, 117-125, 2014
A prosthetic hand body area controller based on efficient pattern recognition control strategies
S Benatti, B Milosevic, E Farella, E Gruppioni, L Benini
Sensors 17 (4), 869, 2017
Simultaneous sEMG classification of hand/wrist gestures and forces
F Leone, C Gentile, AL Ciancio, E Gruppioni, A Davalli, R Sacchetti, ...
Frontiers in neurorobotics 13, 42, 2019
Analysis of robust implementation of an EMG pattern recognition based control
S Benatti, E Farella, E Gruppioni, L Benini
International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing 2, 45-54, 2014
Skeletal muscle differentiation of human iPSCs meets bioengineering strategies: perspectives and challenges
F Iberite, E Gruppioni, L Ricotti
npj Regenerative Medicine 7 (1), 23, 2022
Control strategies and performance assessment of upper-limb TMR prostheses: a review
F Mereu, F Leone, C Gentile, F Cordella, E Gruppioni, L Zollo
Sensors 21 (6), 1953, 2021
Artificial sphincters to manage urinary incontinence: a review
L Marziale, G Lucarini, T Mazzocchi, E Gruppioni, S Castellano, A Davalli, ...
Artificial organs 42 (9), E215-E233, 2018
Restoration of natural thermal sensation in upper-limb amputees
F Iberite, J Muheim, O Akouissi, S Gallo, G Rognini, F Morosato, A Clerc, ...
Science 380 (6646), 731-735, 2023
User-Centered design and development of the modular TWIN lower limb exoskeleton
M Laffranchi, S D'Angella, C Vassallo, C Piezzo, M Canepa, ...
Frontiers in neurorobotics 15, 709731, 2021
Survey of transfemoral amputee experience and priorities for the user-centered design of powered robotic transfemoral prostheses
C Fanciullacci, Z McKinney, V Monaco, G Milandri, A Davalli, R Sacchetti, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 18, 1-25, 2021
Residual limb volume fluctuations in transfemoral amputees
L Paternò, M Ibrahimi, E Rosini, G Menfi, V Monaco, E Gruppioni, L Ricotti, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 12273, 2021
The S-Finger: A Synergetic Externally Powered Digit With Tactile Sensing and Feedback
I Imbinto, F Montagnani, M Bacchereti, C Cipriani, A Davalli, R Sacchetti, ...
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 26 (6 …, 2018
Gait patterns generation based on basis functions interpolation for the TWIN lower-limb exoskeleton*
C Vassallo, S De Giuseppe, C Piezzo, S Maludrottu, G Cerruti, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1778-1784, 2020
A myoelectric-controlled virtual hand for the assessment and treatment of phantom limb pain in trans-radial upper extremity amputees: a research protocol
A Gaggioli, A Amoresano, E Gruppioni, G Verni, G Riva
Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2010, 220-222, 2010
A novel electromechanical shoulder articulation for upper-limb prostheses: from the design to the first clinical application
M Troncossi, E Gruppioni, M Chiossi, AG Cutti, A Davalli, ...
JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 21 (2), 79-90, 2009
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