Md Abdullah Al Mamun
Md Abdullah Al Mamun
Підтверджена електронна адреса в iut-dhaka.edu - Домашня сторінка
Instructional design of scaffolded online learning modules for self-directed and inquiry-based learning environments
MAA Mamun, G Lawrie, T Wright
Computers & Education 144, 103695, 2020
Difficulties faced by teachers in using ICT in teaching-learning at technical and higher educational institutions of Uganda
T Habibu, MA Al Mamun, C Che Kum
Exploration of learner-content interactions and learning approaches: The role of guided inquiry in the self-directed online environments
MA Al Mamun, G Lawrie, T Wright
Computers & Education 178, 104398, 2022
The soft skills education for the vocational graduate: Value as work readiness skills
M Abdullah-Al-Mamun
British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 2 (4), 326-338, 2012
Review of flipped learning in engineering education: Scientific mapping and research horizon
MAA Mamun, MAK Azad, MA Al Mamun, M Boyle
Education and Information Technologies 27 (1), 1261–1286, 2022
The effects of Social Networking Sites to the lifestyle of Teachers and Students in Higher Education Institutions
S Asad, MAA Mamun, CK Clement
International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 1 (4), 498-510, 2012
Student-content interactions: Exploring behavioural engagement with self-regulated inquiry-based online learning modules
MA Al Mamun, G Lawrie
Smart learning environments 10 (1), 1, 2023
Instructional design with ADDIE and rapid prototyping for blended learning: validation and its acceptance in the context of TVET Bangladesh
SI Shakeel, MA Al Mamun, MFA Haolader
Education and Information Technologies, 1-30, 2023
Exploring the factors affecting behavioural intention to use Google Classroom: University teachers’ perspectives in bangladesh and Nigeria
MK Saidu, MA Al Mamun
TechTrends 66 (4), 681–696, 2022
Perceived stress analysis of undergraduate students during covid-19: a machine learning approach
AA Rahman, MI Siraji, LI Khalid, F Faisal, MM Nishat, A Ahmed, ...
2022 IEEE 21st Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 1129-1134, 2022
Analyzing perceived psychological and social stress of university students: A machine learning approach
IJ Ratul, MM Nishat, F Faisal, S Sultana, A Ahmed, MA Al Mamun
Heliyon 9 (6), 2023
Engineering Students’ Readiness for Online Learning Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
A Al Mamun, A Hossain, S Salehin, SH Khan, M Hasan
Educational Technology & Society 25 (3), 30-45, 2022
Student Behavioural Engagement in Self-Paced Online Learning
MAA Mamun, G Lawrie, T Wright
International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of …, 2016
ICT in vocational teaching/learning and research in Southeast Asian Countries: A case of Bangladesh
MA Jinnah, M Abdullah-Al-Mamun, MSH Khan, M Hasan
International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education 3 (2), 20-28, 2011
Using ICT in Teaching–Learning at the Polytechnic Institutes of Bangladesh: Constrains and Limitations
A Mamun, SM Tapan
Teachers World-Journal of Education and Research 33, 207-217, 2009
Development of Scaffolded Online Modules To Support Self-Regulated Learning in Chemistry Concepts
GA Lawrie, M Schultz, CH Bailey, MAA Mamun, AS Micallef, M Williams, ...
Technology and Assessment Strategies for Improving Student Learning in …, 2016
Fostering self-regulation and engaged exploration during the learner-content interaction process: the role of scaffolding in the online inquiry-based learning environment
MAA Mamun
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 19 (4), 482-509, 2022
Cognitive presence in learner–content interaction process: The role of scaffolding in online self-regulated learning environments
MA Al Mamun, G Lawrie
Journal of Computers in Education 11 (3), 791 - 821, 2024
Mapping the research of technical teachers’ pedagogical beliefs about science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) education
MRH Shamim, MA Al Mamun, MA Raihan
International Journal of Instruction 15 (4), 797-818, 2022
Investigating the Causes of Students' dropout from the Diploma Engineering Programs in the Polytechnic Institutes of Bangladesh
MAA Mamun, M Hasan, MR Amin
Academic Research International 3 (2), 231, 2012
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