Salvatore Rionero
Salvatore Rionero
Professore emerito di Fisica Matematica
Підтверджена електронна адреса в unina.it
On the initial value problem for the fractional diffusion-wave equation
F Mainardi, S Rionero, T Ruggeri
Waves and stability in continuous media 7, 246-251, 1994
Qualitative estimates for partial differential equations: an introduction
JN Flavin, S Rionero
CRC press, 2020
A note on the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the micropolar fluid equations
GP Galdi, S Rionero
International Journal of Engineering Science 15 (2), 105-108, 1977
Weighted energy methods in fluid dynamics and elasticity
GP Galdi, S Rionero
Springer, 2006
Necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear stability in the magnetic Bénard problem
G Mulone, S Rionero
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 166 (3), 197-218, 2003
Metodi variazionali per la stabilità asintotica in media in magnetoidrodinamica
S Rionero
Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata 78, 339-364, 1968
Triple diffusive convection in porous media
S Rionero
Acta Mechanica 224 (2), 447-458, 2013
Convection in a porous medium with internal heat source and variable gravity effects
S Rionero, B Straughan
International Journal of Engineering Science 28 (6), 497-503, 1990
A non-linear stability analysis of the magnetic Bénard problem through the Lyapunov direct method
S Rionero, G Mulone
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 103, 347-368, 1988
Global Existence and Relaxation Limit for Smooth Solutions to the Euler--Poisson Model for Semiconductors
G Alì, D Bini, S Rionero
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 32 (3), 572-587, 2000
On the nonlinear stability of the rotating Bénard problem via the Lyapunov direct method
G Mulone, S Rionero
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 144 (1), 109-127, 1989
A rigorous reduction of the L2-stability of the solutions to a nonlinear binary reaction–diffusion system of PDE's to the stability of the solutions to a linear binary system …
S Rionero
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 319 (2), 377-397, 2006
Multicomponent diffusive-convective fluid motions in porous layers: Ultimately boundedness, absence of subcritical instabilities, and global nonlinear stability for any number …
S Rionero
Physics of Fluids 25 (5), 2013
Global stability for penetrative convection with throughflow in a porous material
AA Hill, S Rionero, B Straughan
IMA journal of applied mathematics 72 (5), 635-643, 2007
The Lagrange identity method in linear thermoelasticity
S Rionero, S Chirita
International journal of engineering science 25 (7), 935-947, 1987
On the Lyapunov stability for SIRS epidemic models with general nonlinear incidence rate
B Buonomo, S Rionero
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (8), 4010-4016, 2010
The weight function approach to uniqueness of viscous flows in unbounded domains
S Rionero, GP Galdi
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 69 (1), 37-52, 1979
Sulla stabilità asintotica in media in magnetoidrodinamica
S Rionero
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 76, 75-92, 1967
Unconditional nonlinear exponential stability in the Bénard problem for a mixture: necessary and sufficient conditions
G Mulone, S Rionero
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche …, 1998
Absence of subcritical instabilities and global nonlinear stability for porous ternary diffusive-convective fluid mixtures
S Rionero
Physics of fluids 24 (10), 2012
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