Mélanie Bieler-Aeschlimann
Mélanie Bieler-Aeschlimann
Clinical researcher, Leenaards Memory Centre, CHUV, Lausanne
Підтверджена електронна адреса в chuv.ch
Dementia prevention in memory clinics: recommendations from the European task force for brain health services
GB Frisoni, D Altomare, F Ribaldi, N Villain, C Brayne, N Mukadam, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 26, 2023
Virtual reality as a vehicle to empower motor-cognitive neurorehabilitation
D Perez-Marcos, M Bieler-Aeschlimann, A Serino
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2120, 2018
Serious video games and virtual reality for prevention and neurorehabilitation of cognitive decline because of aging and neurodegeneration
AA Sokolov, A Collignon, M Bieler-Aeschlimann
Current opinion in neurology 33 (2), 239-248, 2020
Biophysical model of axonal pathfinding
M Aeschlimann, L Tettoni
Neurocomputing 38, 87-92, 2001
Emotional pre-eminence of human vocalizations
M Aeschlimann, JF Knebel, MM Murray, S Clarke
Brain topography 20, 239-248, 2008
Protocols for cognitive enhancement. A user manual for Brain Health Services—part 5 of 6
A Brioschi Guevara, M Bieler, D Altomare, M Berthier, C Csajka, ...
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 13, 1-13, 2021
Pre-frail older adults show improved cognition with StayFitLonger computerized home–based training: a randomized controlled trial
S Belleville, M Cuesta, M Bieler-Aeschlimann, K Giacomino, A Widmer, ...
GeroScience 45 (2), 811-822, 2023
Rationale and protocol of the StayFitLonger study: a multicentre trial to measure efficacy and adherence of a home-based computerised multidomain intervention in healthy older …
S Belleville, M Cuesta, M Bieler-Aeschlimann, K Giacomino, A Widmer, ...
BMC geriatrics 20, 1-17, 2020
Télé-neuropsychologie, patients âgés et Covid-19
T Genoud-Prachex, MP Perrenoud, AB Guevara, C Moser, ...
Revue de neuropsychologie 12 (2), 178-180, 2020
Dementia prevention in memory clinics: recommendations from the European task force for brain health services. Lancet Reg Health Eur 26: 100576
GB Frisoni, D Altomare, F Ribaldi, N Villain, C Brayne, N Mukadam, ...
Anticholinergic and sedative medications are associated with neurocognitive performance of well treated people with human immunodeficiency virus
B Jakeman, AU Scherrer, KEA Darling, J Damas, M Bieler-Aeschlimann, ...
Open forum infectious diseases 9 (9), ofac457, 2022
One for all, all for one: neuro‐HIV multidisciplinary platform for the assessment and management of neurocognitive complaints in people living with HIV
J Damas, KEA Darling, P Bidlingmeyer, I Nadin‐Debluë, M Bieler, ...
HIV medicine 24 (6), 738-748, 2023
Télé-neuropsychologie: nouvelles technologies et outils évaluatifs
T Genoud-Prachex, MP Perrenoud, AB Guevara, M Bieler-Aeschlimann, ...
Revue de neuropsychologie 12 (4), 341-350, 2020
The effect of visual perspective on episodic memory in aging: A virtual reality study
S Serino, M Bieler-Aeschlimann, AB Guevara, JF Démonet, A Serino
Consciousness and cognition 116, 103603, 2023
Perception des émotions musicales dans la dégénérescence lobaire fronto-temporale, la maladie d’Alzheimer et les troubles thymiques de l’âgé
F Centomo, M Bieler-Aeschlimann
Revue de neuropsychologie 15 (1), 51-61, 2023
13 cas cliniques en neuropsychologie des émotions
J Péron
Dunod, 2018
Self-reported neurocognitive complaints in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study: a viral genome-wide association study
M Zeeb, C Pasin, M Cavassini, M Bieler-Aeschlimann, P Frischknecht, ...
Brain Communications 6 (4), fcae188, 2024
CareMENS: a new model of care for elderly at risk of dementia, applied in 7 swiss memory clinics
ABB Guevara, B Leidi‐Maimone, S Bugnon, M Fumasoli, A Hausmann, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 19, e076514, 2023
Long COVID: which neuropsychological intervention? The example applied at the Leenaards Memory Centre
P Chatton, M Martins, S Carlier, M Bieler-Aeschlimann
Revue medicale suisse 19 (827), 979-983, 2023
Covid Long : quelle prise en charge neuropsychologique ? La filière proposée au Centre Leenaards de la Mémoire
P Chatton, M Marta, S Carlier, M Bieler-Aeschlimann
Revue Médicale Suisse, 2023
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