Alberto Deco
Alberto Deco
BCA Structures - The Boeing Company
Підтверджена електронна адреса в boeing.com
A probabilistic approach for the prediction of seismic resilience of bridges
A Decò, P Bocchini, DM Frangopol
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 42 (10), 1469-1487, 2013
Risk assessment of highway bridges under multiple hazards
A Decò, DM Frangopol
Journal of Risk Research 14 (9), 1057-1089, 2011
Life-cycle risk assessment of spatially distributed aging bridges under seismic and traffic hazards
A Decò, DM Frangopol
Earthquake Spectra 29 (1), 127-153, 2013
Integration of structural health monitoring in life-cycle performance assessment of ship structures under uncertainty
NM Okasha, DM Frangopol, A Decò
Marine Structures 23 (3), 303-321, 2010
Probabilistic functionality recovery model for resilience analysis
P Bocchini, A Decò, DM Frangopol
Bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability, 1920-1927, 2012
Reliability and redundancy assessment of ships under different operational conditions
A Decò, DM Frangopol, B Zhu
Engineering Structures 42, 457-471, 2012
Real-time risk of ship structures integrating structural health monitoring data: Application to multi-objective optimal ship routing
A Decò, DM Frangopol
Ocean Engineering 96, 312-329, 2015
Time-variant redundancy of ship structures
A Decò, DM Fragopol, NM Okasha
Journal of Ship Research 55 (03), 208-219, 2011
Integrated life-cycle framework for maintenance, monitoring, and reliability of naval ship structures
DDM Frangopol, DP Bocchini, A Decò, DS Kim, DK Kwon, DNM Okasha, ...
Naval Engineers Journal 124 (1), 89-99, 2012
Risk-informed optimal routing of ships considering different damage scenarios and operational conditions
A Decò, DM Frangopol
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 119, 126-140, 2013
Probabilistic seismic resilience of bridge networks
A Decò, DM Frangopol, P Bocchini
Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures and …, 2013
Life-cycle ship reliability assessment, damage detection, and optimization
DM Frangopol, P Bocchini, A Decò, S Kim, K Kwon, NM Okasha, ...
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation …, 2011
Lifetime Risk Assessment of Bridges Affected by Multiple Hazards
Alberto Decò, Dan M Frangopol
Bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainabilityBridge …, 2012
Risk-based approach for life-cycle assessment and management of bridges and ship structures
A Deco
Lehigh University, 2013
Time-variant redundancy of ship structures
A Deco, DM Frangopol, NM Okasha
Project Title: Integrated Life-Cycle Framework for Maintenance, Monitoring …, 2012
Time-Variant Redundancy of Ship Structures (vol 55, pg 208, 2011)
A Deco, DM Frangopol, NM Okasha
JOURNAL OF SHIP RESEARCH 57 (1), 72-72, 2013
On the Risk Assessment of Aging Marine and Civil Structures
Alberto Decò, Dan M Frangopol
Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures and …, 2013
Integrated Life-Cycle Framework for Maintenance, Monitoring, and Reliability of Naval Ship Structures
Dan M Frangopol, Paolo Bocchini, Alberto Decò, Sunyong Kim, Kihon Kwon ...
Proceedings of FMMS 2011, Fleet Maintenance and Modernization Symposium FMMS …, 2011
Deterioration and Maintenance of RC Bridge Decks under Uncertainty: Condition and Reliability Indicators
Alberto Decò, Dan M. Frangopol
Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management and Life-cycle Optimization, 3133–3140, 2010
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