Shannon M. O'Connor, Ph.D.
Shannon M. O'Connor, Ph.D.
Підтверджена електронна адреса в utoledo.edu
Genetic and environmental influences on thin‐ideal internalization
JL Suisman, SM O'Connor, S Sperry, JK Thompson, PK Keel, SA Burt, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 45 (8), 942-948, 2012
The significant effects of puberty on the genetic diathesis of binge eating in girls
KL Klump, KM Culbert, S O'Connor, N Fowler, SA Burt
International Journal of Eating Disorders 50 (8), 984-989, 2017
Differential effects of estrogen and progesterone on genetic and environmental risk for emotional eating in women
KL Klump, SM O’Connor, BA Hildebrandt, PK Keel, M Neale, CL Sisk, ...
Clinical Psychological Science 4 (5), 895-908, 2016
Changes in genetic risk for emotional eating across the menstrual cycle: a longitudinal study
KL Klump, BA Hildebrandt, SM O'Connor, PK Keel, M Neale, CL Sisk, ...
Psychological Medicine 45 (15), 3227-3237, 2015
Examining vegetarianism, weight motivations, and eating disorder psychopathology among college students
HF Zickgraf, VM Hazzard, SM O'Connor, M Simone, GA Williams‐Kerver, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 53 (9), 1506-1514, 2020
Food insecurity is associated with eating disorders independent of depression and anxiety: Findings from the 2020–2021 healthy minds study
HF Zickgraf, VM Hazzard, SM O'Connor
International Journal of Eating Disorders 55 (3), 354-361, 2022
Interaction of hormonal and social environments in understanding body image concerns in adolescent girls
KJ Forney, PK Keel, S O'Connor, C Sisk, SA Burt, KL Klump
Journal of Psychiatric Research 109, 178-184, 2019
Context matters: Neighborhood disadvantage is associated with increased disordered eating and earlier activation of genetic influences in girls.
ME Mikhail, SL Carroll, DA Clark, S O'Connor, SA Burt, KL Klump
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 130 (8), 875, 2021
Gender‐based differential item functioning in measures of eating pathology
LM Schaefer, LM Anderson, M Simone, SM O'Connor, H Zickgraf, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 52 (9), 1047-1051, 2019
Associations between objective physical activity and emotional eating among adiposity‐discordant siblings using ecological momentary assessment and accelerometers
KE Smith, SM O'Connor, TB Mason, S Wang, E Dzubur, RD Crosby, ...
Pediatric obesity 16 (3), e12720, 2021
Differences in genetic and environmental influences on body weight and shape concerns across pubertal development in females
SM O'Connor, KM Culbert, LA Mayhall, SA Burt, KL Klump
Journal of Psychiatric Research 121, 39-46, 2020
What drives the association between weight-conscious peer groups and disordered eating? Disentangling genetic and environmental selection from pure socialization effects.
SM O'Connor, SA Burt, JL VanHuysse, KL Klump
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 125 (3), 356, 2016
Socialization and selection effects in the association between weight conscious peer groups and thin-ideal internalization: A co-twin control study
JL VanHuysse, SA Burt, SM O’Connor, JK Thompson, KL Klump
Body Image 17, 1-9, 2016
Genetic and environmental associations between body dissatisfaction, weight preoccupation, and binge eating: Evidence for a common factor with differential loadings across …
SM O'Connor, CR Beam, X Luo, LA Cohen, JL VanHuysse, RE Emery, ...
International Journal of Eating Disorders 50 (2), 157-161, 2017
Disadvantage and disordered eating in boys: Examining phenotypic and genotype× environment associations across development.
ME Mikhail, SL Carroll, DA Clark, SM O'Connor, KM Culbert, SA Burt, ...
Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science 132 (1), 51, 2023
The role of stress in the association among food insecurity, eating disorder pathology, and binge eating-related appetitive traits
JA Kosmas, JE Wildes, AK Graham, SM O'Connor
Eating behaviors 49, 101709, 2023
Exploring differential item functioning on eating disorder measures by food security status
SM O’Connor, VM Hazzard, HF Zickgraf
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 27 (4 …, 2022
The disruptive effects of estrogen removal before puberty on risk for binge eating in female rats
KL Klump, EB Sinclair, BA Hildebrandt, DA Kashy, S O’Connor, ...
Clinical Psychological Science 8 (5), 839-856, 2020
Does parental divorce moderate the heritability of body dissatisfaction? An extension of previous gene–environment interaction effects
SM O'Connor, KL Klump, JL VanHuysse, M McGue, W Iacono
International Journal of Eating Disorders 49 (2), 186-190, 2016
The effects of puberty and ovarian hormone removal on developmental trajectories of palatable food and chow intake in female rats
KL Klump, DA Kashy, KM Culbert, EB Sinclair, BA Hildebrandt, ...
Physiology & Behavior 235, 113394, 2021
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