Interactive visualization of volumetric data with webgl in real-time J Congote, A Segura, L Kabongo, A Moreno, J Posada, O Ruiz Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 137-146, 2011 | 175 | 2011 |
Boolean operations on 3D selective Nef complexes: Data structure, algorithms, and implementation M Granados, P Hachenberger, S Hert, L Kettner, K Mehlhorn, M Seel European Symposium on Algorithms, 654-666, 2003 | 87 | 2003 |
Upper limb posture estimation in robotic and virtual reality-based rehabilitation C Cortés, A Ardanza, F Molina-Rueda, A Cuesta-Gómez, L Unzueta, ... BioMed research international 2014, 2014 | 42 | 2014 |
Realtime Dense Stereo Matching with Dynamic Programming in CUDA. J Congote, J Barandiaran, I Barandiaran, OE Ruiz CEIG, 231-234, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
In-Line Dimensional Inspection of Warm-Die Forged Revolution Workpieces Using 3D Mesh Reconstruction D Mejia-Parra, JR Sánchez, O Ruiz-Salguero, M Alonso, A Izaguirre, E Gil, ... Applied Sciences 9 (6), 1069, 2019 | 25 | 2019 |
Accelerated Thermal Simulation for Three-Dimensional Interactive Optimization of Computer Numeric Control Sheet Metal Laser Cutting D Mejia, A Moreno, A Arbelaiz, J Posada, O Ruiz-Salguero, R Chopitea Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140 (3), 031006, 2018 | 23 | 2018 |
Spectral-based mesh segmentation D Mejia, O Ruiz-Salguero, CA Cadavid International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 11 (3 …, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Analytical method for the kinetostatic analysis of the second-class RRR Assur group allowing for friction in the kinematic pairs S Durango, G Calle, O Ruiz Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 32 …, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Algebraic geometry and group theory in geometric constraint satisfaction for computer-aided design and assembly planning ÓE Ruíz, PM Ferreira IIE transactions 28 (4), 281-294, 1996 | 19 | 1996 |
Inverse kinematics for upper limb compound movement estimation in exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation C Cortés, A de los Reyes-Guzmán, D Scorza, Á Bertelsen, E Carrasco, ... BioMed research international 2016, 2016 | 18 | 2016 |
Finite difference calculations of permeability in large domains in a wide porosity range M Osorno, D Uribe, OE Ruiz, H Steeb Archive of Applied Mechanics 85 (8), 1043-1054, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Fixed grid finite element analysis for 3D structural problems MJ García, MA Henao, ÓE Ruíz International Journal of Computational Methods 2 (04), 569-586, 2005 | 18 | 2005 |
Algebraic geometry and group theory in geometric constraint satisfaction OE Ruiz S, PM Ferreira Proceedings of the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1994 | 18 | 1994 |
Extending Marching Cubes with Adaptative Methods to obtain more accurate iso-surfaces J Congote, A Moreno, I Barandiaran, J Barandiaran, O Ruiz International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics …, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
2D shape similarity as a complement for Voronoi–Delone methods in shape reconstruction OE Ruiz, CA Cadavid, M Granados, S Peña, E Vásquez Computers & Graphics 29 (1), 81-94, 2005 | 17 | 2005 |
Hybrid geometry/topology based mesh segmentation for reverse engineering D Mejia, O Ruiz-Salguero, JR Sánchez, J Posada, A Moreno, CA Cadavid Computers & Graphics 73, 47-58, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
Engineering design using evolutionary structural optimisation based on iso-stress-driven smooth geometry removal MJ Garcia, OE Ruiz, GP Steven NAFEMS world congress, 24-28, 2001 | 16 | 2001 |
Ellipse-based principal component analysis for self-intersecting curve reconstruction from noisy point sets O Ruiz, C Vanegas, C Cadavid The visual computer 27 (3), 211-226, 2011 | 15 | 2011 |
Fitting of analytic surfaces to noisy point clouds O Ruiz, S Arroyave, D Acosta American Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 3, Issue 1A, pp 18-26, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Digital material laboratory: wave propagation effects in open-cell aluminium foams EH Saenger, D Uribe, R Jänicke, O Ruiz, H Steeb International Journal of Engineering Science 58, 115-123, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |