oscar ruiz - salguero
oscar ruiz - salguero
Professor, Coordinator CAD CAM CAE LAB, EAFIT University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в eafit.edu.co - Домашня сторінка
Interactive visualization of volumetric data with webgl in real-time
J Congote, A Segura, L Kabongo, A Moreno, J Posada, O Ruiz
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 137-146, 2011
Boolean operations on 3D selective Nef complexes: Data structure, algorithms, and implementation
M Granados, P Hachenberger, S Hert, L Kettner, K Mehlhorn, M Seel
European Symposium on Algorithms, 654-666, 2003
Upper limb posture estimation in robotic and virtual reality-based rehabilitation
C Cortés, A Ardanza, F Molina-Rueda, A Cuesta-Gómez, L Unzueta, ...
BioMed research international 2014, 2014
Realtime Dense Stereo Matching with Dynamic Programming in CUDA.
J Congote, J Barandiaran, I Barandiaran, OE Ruiz
CEIG, 231-234, 2009
In-Line Dimensional Inspection of Warm-Die Forged Revolution Workpieces Using 3D Mesh Reconstruction
D Mejia-Parra, JR Sánchez, O Ruiz-Salguero, M Alonso, A Izaguirre, E Gil, ...
Applied Sciences 9 (6), 1069, 2019
Accelerated Thermal Simulation for Three-Dimensional Interactive Optimization of Computer Numeric Control Sheet Metal Laser Cutting
D Mejia, A Moreno, A Arbelaiz, J Posada, O Ruiz-Salguero, R Chopitea
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 140 (3), 031006, 2018
Spectral-based mesh segmentation
D Mejia, O Ruiz-Salguero, CA Cadavid
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 11 (3 …, 2017
Analytical method for the kinetostatic analysis of the second-class RRR Assur group allowing for friction in the kinematic pairs
S Durango, G Calle, O Ruiz
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 32 …, 2010
Algebraic geometry and group theory in geometric constraint satisfaction for computer-aided design and assembly planning
ÓE Ruíz, PM Ferreira
IIE transactions 28 (4), 281-294, 1996
Inverse kinematics for upper limb compound movement estimation in exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation
C Cortés, A de los Reyes-Guzmán, D Scorza, Á Bertelsen, E Carrasco, ...
BioMed research international 2016, 2016
Finite difference calculations of permeability in large domains in a wide porosity range
M Osorno, D Uribe, OE Ruiz, H Steeb
Archive of Applied Mechanics 85 (8), 1043-1054, 2015
Fixed grid finite element analysis for 3D structural problems
MJ García, MA Henao, ÓE Ruíz
International Journal of Computational Methods 2 (04), 569-586, 2005
Algebraic geometry and group theory in geometric constraint satisfaction
OE Ruiz S, PM Ferreira
Proceedings of the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic …, 1994
Extending Marching Cubes with Adaptative Methods to obtain more accurate iso-surfaces
J Congote, A Moreno, I Barandiaran, J Barandiaran, O Ruiz
International Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics …, 2009
2D shape similarity as a complement for Voronoi–Delone methods in shape reconstruction
OE Ruiz, CA Cadavid, M Granados, S Peña, E Vásquez
Computers & Graphics 29 (1), 81-94, 2005
Hybrid geometry/topology based mesh segmentation for reverse engineering
D Mejia, O Ruiz-Salguero, JR Sánchez, J Posada, A Moreno, CA Cadavid
Computers & Graphics 73, 47-58, 2018
Engineering design using evolutionary structural optimisation based on iso-stress-driven smooth geometry removal
MJ Garcia, OE Ruiz, GP Steven
NAFEMS world congress, 24-28, 2001
Ellipse-based principal component analysis for self-intersecting curve reconstruction from noisy point sets
O Ruiz, C Vanegas, C Cadavid
The visual computer 27 (3), 211-226, 2011
Fitting of analytic surfaces to noisy point clouds
O Ruiz, S Arroyave, D Acosta
American Journal of Computational Mathematics, Volume 3, Issue 1A, pp 18-26, 2013
Digital material laboratory: wave propagation effects in open-cell aluminium foams
EH Saenger, D Uribe, R Jänicke, O Ruiz, H Steeb
International Journal of Engineering Science 58, 115-123, 2012
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