Juan F. De Paz
Juan F. De Paz
Підтверджена електронна адреса в usal.es
Artificial neural networks used in optimization problems
G Villarrubia, JF De Paz, P Chamoso, F De la Prieta
Neurocomputing 272, 10-16, 2018
Intelligent system for lighting control in smart cities
JF De Paz, J Bajo, S Rodríguez, G Villarrubia, JM Corchado
Information Sciences 372, 241-255, 2016
Combining multi-agent systems and wireless sensor networks for monitoring crop irrigation
G Villarrubia, JF De Paz, DH De La Iglesia, J Bajo
Sensors 17 (8), 1775, 2017
Smart waste collection system with low consumption LoRaWAN nodes and route optimization
Á Lozano, J Caridad, JF De Paz, G Villarrubia Gonzalez, J Bajo
Sensors 18 (5), 1465, 2018
Multi-agent information fusion system to manage data from a WSN in a residential home
S Rodríguez, JF De Paz, G Villarrubia, C Zato, J Bajo, JM Corchado
Information Fusion 23, 43-57, 2015
idMAS-SQL: intrusion detection based on MAS to detect and block SQL injection through data mining
CI Pinzon, JF De Paz, A Herrero, E Corchado, J Bajo, JM Corchado
Information Sciences 231, 15-31, 2013
Monitoring and detection platform to prevent anomalous situations in home care
G Villarrubia, J Bajo, JF De Paz, JM Corchado
Sensors 14 (6), 9900-9921, 2014
Combination of multi-agent systems and wireless sensor networks for the monitoring of cattle
AL Barriuso, G Villarrubia González, JF De Paz, Á Lozano, J Bajo
Sensors 18 (1), 108, 2018
A multi-agent system for web-based risk management in small and medium business
J Bajo, ML Borrajo, JF De Paz, JM Corchado, MA Pellicer
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (8), 6921-6931, 2012
Case-based reasoning as a decision support system for cancer diagnosis: A case study
JF De Paz, S Rodríguez, J Bajo, JM Corchado
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 6 (2), 97-110, 2009
SHOMAS: Intelligent guidance and suggestions in shopping centres
J Bajo, JM Corchado, Y De Paz, JF De Paz, S Rodríguez, Q Martín, ...
Applied Soft Computing 9 (2), 851-862, 2009
Implementing a hardware-embedded reactive agents platform based on a service-oriented architecture over heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
RS Alonso, DI Tapia, J Bajo, Ó García, JF De Paz, JM Corchado
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (1), 151-166, 2013
Integrating case-based planning and RPTW neural networks to construct an intelligent environment for health care
J Bajo, JF de Paz, Y de Paz, JM Corchado
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3), 5844-5858, 2009
A multi-agent system for the classification of gender and age from images
A González-Briones, G Villarrubia, JF De Paz, JM Corchado
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 172, 98-106, 2018
Model of experts for decision support in the diagnosis of leukemia patients
JM Corchado, JF De Paz, S Rodríguez, J Bajo
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 46 (3), 179-200, 2009
Effectiveness of Bayesian filters: An information fusion perspective
T Li, JM Corchado, J Bajo, S Sun, JF De Paz
Information Sciences 329, 670-689, 2016
Replanning mechanism for deliberative agents in dynamic changing environments
JM Corchado, M Glez‐Bedia, Y De Paz, J Bajo, JF De Paz
Computational Intelligence 24 (2), 77-107, 2008
A CBR framework with gradient boosting based feature selection for lung cancer subtype classification
J Ramos-González, D López-Sánchez, JA Castellanos-Garzón, JF de Paz, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 86, 98-106, 2017
S-MAS: An adaptive hierarchical distributed multi-agent architecture for blocking malicious SOAP messages within Web Services environments
CI Pinzón, J Bajo, JF De Paz, JM Corchado
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (5), 5486-5499, 2011
Multi-agent system for security control on industrial environments
DI Tapia, JF De Paz, S Rodriguez, J Bajo, JM Corchado
International Transactions on System Science and Applications Journal 4 (3 …, 2008
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