Simon N Young
Simon N Young
Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, McGill University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в mcgill.ca
Differences between males and females in rates of serotonin synthesis in human brain
S Nishizawa, C Benkelfat, SN Young, M Leyton, S Mzengeza, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 94 (10), 5308-5313, 1997
Tryptophan depletion causes a rapid lowering of mood in normal males
SN Young, SE Smith, RO Pihl, FR Ervin
Psychopharmacology 87, 173-177, 1985
How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs
SN Young
Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience: JPN 32 (6), 394, 2007
Ecological momentary assessment: what it is and why it is a method of the future in clinical psychopharmacology
DS Moskowitz, SN Young
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 31 (1), 13-20, 2006
The role of serotonin in human mood and social interaction: insight from altered tryptophan levels
SN Young, M Leyton
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 71 (4), 857-865, 2002
Mood-lowering effect of tryptophan depletion: enhanced susceptibility in young men at genetic risk for major affective disorders
C Benkelfat, MA Ellenbogen, P Dean, RM Palmour, SN Young
Archives of general psychiatry 51 (9), 687-697, 1994
Stress and depressed mood in medical students, law students, and graduate students at McGill University
KF Helmers, D Danoff, Y Steinert, M Leyton, SN Young
Academic Medicine 72 (8), 708-14, 1997
Brain regional α-[11C] methyl-L-tryptophan trapping in impulsive subjects with borderline personality disorder
M Leyton, H Okazawa, M Diksic, J Paris, P Rosa, S Mzengeza, SN Young, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 158 (5), 775-782, 2001
Mood response to acute tryptophan depletion in healthy volunteers: sex differences and temporal stability
MA Ellenbogen, SN Young, P Dean, RM Palmour, C Benkelfat
Neuropsychopharmacology 15 (5), 465-474, 1996
Antimanic effect of clonazepam.
G Chouinard, SN Young, L Annable
Biological psychiatry 18 (4), 451-466, 1983
L-Tryptophan: Biochemical, nutritional and pharmacological aspects
EL Sainio, K Pulkki, SN Young
Amino acids 10, 21-47, 1996
Monoamine metabolites in lumbar CSF: the question of their origin in relation to clinical studies
E Garelis, SN Young, S Lal, TL Sourkes
Brain research 79 (1), 1-8, 1974
Development of a scleroderma-like illness during therapy with L-5-hydroxytryptophan and carbidopa
EM Sternberg, MH Van Woert, SN Young, IB Magnussen, H Baker, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 303 (14), 782-787, 1980
Biochemical aspects of tryptophan depletion in primates
SN Young, FR Ervin, RO Pihl, P Finn
Psychopharmacology 98, 508-511, 1989
The clinical psychopharmacology of tryptophan
SN Young
Nutrition and the Brain 7, 49-88, 1986
Effect of tryptophan administration on tryptophan, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and indoleacetic acid in human lumbar and cisternal cerebrospinal fluid.
SN Young, S Gauthier
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 44 (4), 323-328, 1981
Familial restless legs with periodic movements in sleep: electrophysiologic, biochemical, and pharmacologic study
J Montplaisir, R Godbout, D Boghen, J DeChamplain, SN Young, ...
Neurology 35 (1), 130-130, 1985
The effect of tryptophan on social interaction in everyday life: a placebo-controlled study
DS Moskowitz, G Pinard, DC Zuroff, L Annable, SN Young
Neuropsychopharmacology 25 (2), 277-289, 2001
Behavioral disinhibition induced by tryptophan depletion in nonalcoholic young men with multigenerational family histories of paternal alcoholism
DG LeMarquand, C Benkelfat, RO Pihl, RM Palmour, SN Young
American Journal of Psychiatry 156 (11), 1771-1779, 1999
The neurobiology of human social behaviour: an important but neglected topic
SN Young
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 33 (5), 391-392, 2008
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