Hedieh Fallahi
Hedieh Fallahi
Engineer, PhD, Queensland Micro-and Nanotechnology Centre, Griffith University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в griffithuni.edu.au
Flexible microfluidics: Fundamentals, recent developments, and applications
H Fallahi, J Zhang, HP Phan, NT Nguyen
Micromachines 10 (12), 830, 2019
Multiphysics microfluidics for cell manipulation and separation: A review
H Cha, H Fallahi, Y Dai, D Yuan, H An, NT Nguyen, J Zhang
Lab on a Chip 22 (3), 423-444, 2022
Stretchable inertial microfluidic device for tunable particle separation
H Fallahi, J Zhang, J Nicholls, HP Phan, NT Nguyen
Analytical Chemistry 92 (18), 12473-12480, 2020
Tuning particle inertial separation in sinusoidal channels by embedding periodic obstacle microstructures
H Cha, H Fallahi, Y Dai, S Yadav, S Hettiarachchi, A McNamee, H An, ...
Lab on a Chip 22 (15), 2789-2800, 2022
Preparation and properties of electrically conductive, flexible and transparent silver nanowire/poly (lactic acid) nanocomposites
H Fallahi, H Azizi, I Ghasemi, M Karrabi
Organic Electronics 44, 74-84, 2017
Size-tuneable isolation of cancer cells using stretchable inertial microfluidics
H Fallahi, S Yadav, HP Phan, H Ta, J Zhang, NT Nguyen
Lab on a Chip 21 (10), 2008-2018, 2021
Atherothrombosis‐on‐Chip: a site‐specific microfluidic model for thrombus formation and drug discovery
F Akther, J Zhang, HDN Tran, H Fallahi, H Adelnia, HP Phan, NT Nguyen, ...
Advanced Biology 6 (7), 2101316, 2022
Effect of different mediated agents on morphology and crystallinity of synthesized silver nanowires prepared by polyol process
MT Satoungar, H Azizi, S Fattahi, MK Mehrizi, H Fallahi
Journal of Nanomaterials 2016 (1), 4354136, 2016
Investigation of viscoelastic focusing of particles and cells in a zigzag microchannel
D Yuan, S Yadav, HT Ta, H Fallahi, H An, N Kashaninejad, CH Ooi, ...
Electrophoresis 42 (21-22), 2230-2237, 2021
Engineering route for stretchable, 3D microarchitectures of wide bandgap semiconductors for biomedical applications
TA Truong, TK Nguyen, X Huang, A Ashok, S Yadav, Y Park, MT Thai, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (34), 2211781, 2023
On-demand deterministic release of particles and cells using stretchable microfluidics
H Fallahi, H Cha, H Adelnia, Y Dai, HT Ta, S Yadav, J Zhang, NT Nguyen
Nanoscale Horizons 7 (4), 414-424, 2022
Enhanced blood plasma extraction utilising viscoelastic effects in a serpentine microchannel
Y Dai, H Cha, MJ Simmonds, H Fallahi, H An, HT Ta, NT Nguyen, J Zhang, ...
Biosensors 12 (2), 120, 2022
Silane Modification of Carbon Nanotubes and Preparation of Silane Cross‐Linked LLDPE/MWCNT Nanocomposites
H Azizi, H Fallahi, I Ghasemi, M Karrabi, M Nazemian
Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2019
Evaluating thrombosis risk and patient-specific treatment strategy using an atherothrombosis-on-chip model
F Akther, H Fallahi, J Zhang, NT Nguyen, HT Ta
Lab on a Chip 24 (11), 2927-2943, 2024
Engineering Route for Stretchable, 3D Microarchitectures of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Biomedical Applications (Adv. Funct. Mater. 34/2023).
TA Truong, TK Nguyen, X Huang, A Ashok, S Yadav, Y Park, MT Thai, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 33 (34), 2023
Stretchable inertial microfluidics
H Fallahi, J Zhang, HP Phan, NT Nguyen
Deakin University, 2023
Flexible and Stretchable Microfluidics
H Fallahi
Griffith University, 2022
A stretchable micromixer with enhanced performance for intermediate Reynolds numbers
H Fallahi, J Zhang, J Nicholls, P Singha, NK Nguyen, CH Ooi, NT Nguyen
Stretchable inertial microfluidics for isolation of cancer cells with large size distributions
H Fallahi, S Yadav, HP Phan, H Ta, J Zhang, NT Nguyen
Deakin University, 2021
Research Article Effect of Different Mediated Agents on Morphology and Crystallinity of Synthesized Silver Nanowires Prepared by Polyol Process
MT Satoungar, H Azizi, S Fattahi, MK Mehrizi, H Fallahi
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