Rodrigo García
Rodrigo García
Невідома організація
Підтверджена електронна адреса в unisinu.edu.co - Домашня сторінка
A systematic literature review on the use of machine learning in precision livestock farming
R García, J Aguilar, M Toro, A Pinto, P Rodríguez
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 179, 105826, 2020
A systematic literature review on the use of artificial intelligence in energy self-management in smart buildings
J Aguilar, A Garces-Jimenez, MD R-moreno, R García
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111530, 2021
Fragilidad y su correlación con calidad de vida y utilización de los servicios de salud en personas mayores que viven en la comunidad
MP Zúñiga, R García, AX Araya
Revista médica de Chile 147 (7), 870-876, 2019
Autonomic computing in a beef-production process for Precision Livestock Farming
R García, J Aguilar, M Toro, N Pérez, A Pinto, P Rodríguez
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 31, 100425, 2023
Weight-identification model of cattle using machine-learning techniques for anomaly detection
R García, J Aguilar, M Toro, M Jiménez
2021 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 01-07, 2021
Quality of life among frail older people
MP Zúñiga, R García, AX Araya
Revista Medica de Chile 147 (7), 870-876, 2019
Evaluation of 1-minute integration time rain rate statistics in Ecuador for radio propagation applications
AD Pinto-Mangones, NA Perez-Garcia, XA Lascano-Filian, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 21 (7), 1298-1302, 2022
A meta-learning approach in a cattle weight identification system for anomaly detection
R García, J Aguilar
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 217, 108572, 2024
Preliminary rain rate statistics with one‐minute integration time for radio propagation uses in Venezuela
N Pérez‐García, AD Pinto, JM Torres, YE Rivera, LAR da Silva Mello, ...
Electronics Letters 59 (6), e12725, 2023
Supervision system of the fattening process of cattle in rotational grazing using fuzzy classification
C Benitez, R García, J Aguilar, M Jiménez, H Robles
2022 XVLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), 1-10, 2022
An autonomous system for the self-supervision of animal fattening in the context of precision livestock farming
R García, J Aguilar, A Pinto
Future Generation Computer Systems 150, 220-231, 2024
LMS (Learning Management System) Applying MQTT-IOT Networks and Smart Cities
YR Julio, AP Mangones, NP García, JMT Tovio, F Ibarra, R Garcia
International Conference on Management, Tourism and Technologies, 122-131, 2023
A smart DDMRP model using machine learning techniques
J Aguilar, RJDS Guillén, R García, C Gómez, M Jerez, MLJ Narváez, ...
International Journal of Value Chain Management 14 (2), 107-142, 2023
Linked Data and Dialetheic Logic for Localization-Aware Applications
C Jiménez, M Jerez, J Aguilar, R García
Contemporary Engineering Sciences, 2019
An ontological model based on the ontology driven architecture paradigm for a middleware in the management of nano-devices in a smart environment
A Lopez-Pacheco, J Aguilar, E Puerto, R García
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1386 (1), 012138, 2019
Variaciones estacionales de la enfermedad mancha grasienta (Mycosphaerella citri) en la region de Jaguey Grande, Matanzas. Citricos y otros frutales
R Garcia, H Aguilar, Y Herrera
Centro Agrícola Suplemento 107, 119, 1980
A multi-objective optimization model to maximize cattle weight-gain in rotational grazing
R García, M Jiménez, J Aguilar
International Journal of Information Technology, 1-12, 2024
A many-objective optimization approach for weight gain and animal welfare in rotational grazing of cattle
M Jiménez, R García, J Aguilar
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 133, 108264, 2024
Acoustic detection of the effects of prolonged fasting on newly hatched broiler chickens
GJ Ginovart-Panisello, I Iriondo, TP Monjo, S Riva, R Garcia, J Valls, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 219, 108763, 2024
Desarrollo de un sistema de identificación de tendencia a la depresión, utilizando técnicas de minería de texto en redes sociales
LFG Zuluaga, JF Pineda, R García
Encuentro Internacional de Educación en Ingeniería 2019, 2019
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