Nour Alsawaftah
Nour Alsawaftah
Підтверджена електронна адреса в alumni.aus.edu
A comprehensive review on membrane fouling: Mathematical modelling, prediction, diagnosis, and mitigation
N AlSawaftah, W Abuwatfa, N Darwish, G Husseini
Water 13 (9), 1327, 2021
pH-responsive nanocarriers in cancer therapy
NM AlSawaftah, NS Awad, WG Pitt, GA Husseini
Polymers 14 (5), 936, 2022
Ultrasound-responsive nanocarriers in cancer treatment: A review
NS Awad, V Paul, NM AlSawaftah, G Ter Haar, TM Allen, WG Pitt, ...
ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 4 (2), 589-612, 2021
Microwave imaging for early breast cancer detection: Current state, challenges, and future directions
N AlSawaftah, S El-Abed, S Dhou, A Zakaria
Journal of imaging 8 (5), 123, 2022
Dual-targeting and stimuli-triggered liposomal drug delivery in cancer treatment
N AlSawaftah, WG Pitt, GA Husseini
ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 4 (3), 1028-1049, 2021
Ultrasound-triggered herceptin liposomes for breast cancer therapy
A Elamir, S Ajith, NA Sawaftah, W Abuwatfa, D Mukhopadhyay, V Paul, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 7545, 2021
Bioluminescence imaging applications in cancer: A comprehensive review
N Alsawaftah, A Farooq, S Dhou, AF Majdalawieh
IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 14, 307-326, 2020
Transferrin-modified liposomes triggered with ultrasound to treat HeLa cells
NM AlSawaftah, NS Awad, V Paul, PS Kawak, MH Al-Sayah, GA Husseini
Scientific reports 11 (1), 11589, 2021
Effect of pegylation and targeting moieties on the ultrasound-mediated drug release from liposomes
NS Awad, V Paul, MS Mahmoud, NM Al Sawaftah, PS Kawak, ...
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 6 (1), 48-57, 2019
A review on membrane biofouling: Prediction, characterization, and mitigation
N AlSawaftah, W Abuwatfa, N Darwish, GA Husseini
Membranes 12 (12), 1271, 2022
A review on membrane fouling prediction using artificial neural networks (ANNs)
WH Abuwatfa, N AlSawaftah, N Darwish, WG Pitt, GA Husseini
Membranes 13 (7), 685, 2023
Modeling of anti-cancer drug release kinetics from liposomes and micelles: A review
N Al Sawaftah, V Paul, N Awad, GA Husseini
IEEE transactions on nanobioscience 20 (4), 565-576, 2021
Exogenous contrast agents in photoacoustic imaging: an in vivo review for tumor imaging
A Farooq, S Sabah, S Dhou, N Alsawaftah, G Husseini
Nanomaterials 12 (3), 393, 2022
Targeting breast cancer using hyaluronic acid-conjugated liposomes triggered with ultrasound
SM Ben Daya, V Paul, NS Awad, NM Al Sawaftah, MH Al Sayah, ...
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 17 (1), 90-99, 2021
Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery in cancer therapy: A review
NM Al Sawaftah, GA Husseini
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 20 (12), 7211-7230, 2020
Hybrid liposome/metal–organic framework as a promising dual-responsive nanocarriers for anticancer drug delivery
A Karami, A Ahmed, R Sabouni, GA Husseini, M Al Sharabati, ...
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 217, 112599, 2022
Tumor vasculature vs tumor cell targeting: Understanding the latest trends in using functional nanoparticles for cancer treatment
NS Awad, NM Salkho, WH Abuwatfa, V Paul, NM AlSawaftah, ...
OpenNano 11, 100136, 2023
Transferrin-targeted liposomes in glioblastoma therapy: a review
P Kawak, NMA Sawaftah, WG Pitt, GA Husseini
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (17), 13262, 2023
Ultrasound-sensitive cRGD-modified liposomes as a novel drug delivery system
NM AlSawaftah, V Paul, D Kosaji, L Khabbaz, NS Awad, GA Husseini
Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology 50 (1), 111-120, 2022
Ultrasound-triggered liposomes encapsulating quantum dots as safe fluorescent markers for colorectal cancer
NS Awad, M Haider, V Paul, NM AlSawaftah, J Jagal, R Pasricha, ...
Pharmaceutics 13 (12), 2073, 2021
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