Sahil Bajaj
Sahil Bajaj
Assistant Professor, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Підтверджена електронна адреса в mdanderson.org
Brain effective connectivity during motor-imagery and execution following stroke and rehabilitation
S Bajaj, AJ Butler, D Drake, M Dhamala
NeuroImage: Clinical, 2015
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of blue wavelength light exposure on sleep and recovery of brain structure, function, and cognition following mild …
WDS Killgore, JR Vanuk, BR Shane, M Weber, S Bajaj
Neurobiology of disease 134, 104679, 2020
Functional organization and restoration of the brain motor-execution network after stroke and rehabilitation
S Bajaj, AJ Butler, D Drake, M Dhamala
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 173, 2015
The prevalence and severity of insomnia symptoms during COVID-19: A global systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis
MM AlRasheed, F Fekih-Romdhane, H Jahrami, GN Pires, Z Saif, ...
Sleep medicine 100, 7-23, 2022
Acute exposure to blue wavelength light during memory consolidation improves verbal memory performance
A Alkozei, R Smith, NS Dailey, S Bajaj, WDS Killgore
PLoS One 12 (9), e0184884, 2017
Elevated aggression and reduced white matter integrity in mild traumatic brain injury: a DTI study
NS Dailey, R Smith, S Bajaj, A Alkozei, MK Gottschlich, AC Raikes, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 12, 118, 2018
Oscillatory motor network activity during rest and movement: an fNIRS study
S Bajaj, D Drake, AJ Butler, M Dhamala
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 8, 13, 2014
Bridging the Gap: Dynamic Causal Modeling and Granger Causality Analysis of Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
S Bajaj, BM Adhikari, KJ Friston, M Dhamala
Brain connectivity 6 (8), 652-661, 2016
Worry and insomnia as risk factors for depression during initial stages of COVID-19 pandemic in India
S Bajaj, KS Blair, A Schwartz, M Dobbertin, RJR Blair
Plos one 15 (12), e0243527, 2020
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) correlates of self-reported sleep quality and depression following mild traumatic brain injury
AC Raikes, S Bajaj, NS Dailey, RS Smith, A Alkozei, BC Satterfield, ...
Frontiers in neurology 9, 334725, 2018
Brain aging: Uncovering cortical characteristics of healthy aging in young adults
S Bajaj, A Alkozei, NS Dailey, WDS Killgore
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 9, 412, 2017
Dominance of the Unaffected Hemisphere Motor Network and Its Role in the Behavior of Chronic Stroke Survivors
S Bajaj, SN Housley, D Wu, M Dhamala, GA James, AJ Butler
Chronic sleep restriction increases negative implicit attitudes toward Arab Muslims
A Alkozei, WDS Killgore, R Smith, NS Dailey, S Bajaj, M Haack
Scientific reports 7 (1), 4285, 2017
The Relationship Between General Intelligence and Cortical Structure in Healthy Individuals
S Bajaj, A Raikes, R Smith, NS Dailey, A Alkozei, JR Vanuk, WDS Killgore
Neuroscience 388, 36-44, 2018
Dysfunction in differential reward-punishment responsiveness in conduct disorder relates to severity of callous-unemotional traits but not irritability
R Zhang, J Aloi, S Bajaj, J Bashford-Largo, J Lukoff, A Schwartz, ...
Psychological medicine 53 (5), 1870-1880, 2023
Blue-light therapy following mild traumatic brain injury: effects on white matter water diffusion in the brain
S Bajaj, JR Vanuk, R Smith, NS Dailey, WDS Killgore
Frontiers in neurology 8, 616, 2017
Higher frequency network activity flow predicts lower frequency node activity in intrinsic low-frequency BOLD fluctuations
S Bajaj, BM Adhikari, M Dhamala
PLoS One 8 (5), e64466, 2013
Association between emotional intelligence and effective brain connectome: a large-scale spectral DCM study
S Bajaj, WDS Killgore
NeuroImage, 117750, 2021
Different forms of childhood maltreatment have different impacts on the neural systems involved in the representation of reinforcement value
KS Blair, J Aloi, J Bashford-Largo, R Zhang, J Elowsky, J Lukoff, S Vogel, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 53, 101051, 2022
Future directions for cognitive neuroscience in psychiatry: recommendations for biomarker design based on recent test re-test reliability work
RJR Blair, A Mathur, N Haines, S Bajaj
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 44, 101102, 2022
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