Solomiya Lebid
Solomiya Lebid
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Підтверджена електронна адреса в lpnu.ua
How to reliably measure composite-embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors influenced by transverse and point-wise deformations?
S Lebid, W Habel, W Daum
Measurement science and technology 15 (8), 1441, 2004
Functional Brain Signals: A photon counting system for brain activity monitoring
S Lebid, R O'Neill, C Markham, T Ward, S Coyle
Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2004, 469-474, 2004
Influence of stress factors on cognitive tasks performance
T Medvedyk, I Antoniuk, S Lebid
2019 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computational Problems of …, 2019
Towards dual modality nerve assessment using electrical and optical techniques
S Lebid, T Ward, R O'Neill, C Markham, S Coyle
17th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 5855, 399-402, 2005
Multi-timescale measurements of brain responses in visual cortex during functional stimulation using time-resolved spectroscopy
S Lebid, R O'Neill, C Markham, T Ward, S Coyle
Opto-Ireland 2005: Optical Sensing and Spectroscopy 5826, 606-617, 2005
Perturbations in behaviour of fibre Bragg grating sensors introduced by local thermal and mechanical influences
S Lebid
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und-prüfung (BAM), 2004
Four Channel Splitter on Surface Plasmons-Polaritons
DV Nevinskiy, VA Pavlysh, LI Zakalyk, YS Lebid
Sumy State University, 2015
Surface plasmon waves on the nanoscale films
VA Pavlysh, LI Zakalyk, DV Nevinskiy, SY Lebid
2013 23rd International Crimean Conference" Microwave & Telecommunication …, 2013
Reflection spectrum calculation in optical fiber periodical structures (PS)
Y Bobitski, V Fitio, S Lebid, T Wanchytski
Proc. 3rd International Conf. MECHATRONIKA 97, 775-781, 1997
Störungen in der Charakteristik von Faser-Bragg-Gitter-Sensoren durch lokale thermische und mechanische Einflüsse: Perturbations in behaviour of fibre Bragg grating sensors …
S Lebid
Wirtschaftsverl. NW, Verlag für Neue Wiss., 2004
How reliable measure composite-embedded FBG sensors under the influence of transverse and point-wise deformations?
S Lebid, W Habel, W Daum
IEICE, 2003
Spectrum of Bragg grating reflection coefficient (RC) in optical fiber
SY Lebid, YV Bobitski, VM Fitio, TW Fityo
Diffractive and Holographic Device Technologies and Applications V 3291, 165-172, 1998
Optical non-invasive brain-computer interface system
S Lebid
2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics …, 2018
Surface Plasmon-Polariton in X–Shaped Waveguides
DV Nevinskiy, VA Pavlysh, LI Zakalyk, SY Lebid, HI Korzh
Sumy State University, 2014
Інновації в галузі волоконно-оптичних систем: перспектива застосування в Україні
СЮ Лебідь, ЛІ Закалик
Науковий вісник НЛТУ України 21 (5), 340-344, 2011
Comparison of strain sensitivity of bare and structure-integrated fiber Bragg gratings
SY Lebid, D Hofmann, F Basedau, W Daum
Photonics, Devices, and Systems II 5036, 366-371, 2003
Fiber-optic temperature sensor
SY Lebid, VM Fitio, YV Bobitski, T Wiecek
Optoelectronic Metrology 4018, 96-99, 1999
Physical Workloads vs Cognitive Tasks Performance-Mobile Monitoring Capabilities
N Kostyk, S Lebid
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Trends in …, 2020
Denoising and Analysis Methods of Computer Tomography Results of Lung Diagnostics for Use in Neural Network Technology
O Slavova, S Lebid
ECONTECHMOD: An International Quarterly Journal on Economics of Technology …, 2020
Monitoring the Virtual Reality Influence on Cognitive Tasks Performance in Healthy Individuals
A Cholach, S Lebid
2019 XIth International Scientific and Practical Conference on Electronics …, 2019
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