Mitchel Benovoy
Mitchel Benovoy
CEO at Corstem
Підтверджена електронна адреса в corstem.ai - Домашня сторінка
Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music
VN Salimpoor, M Benovoy, K Larcher, A Dagher, RJ Zatorre
Nature neuroscience 14 (2), 257-262, 2011
The rewarding aspects of music listening are related to degree of emotional arousal
VN Salimpoor, M Benovoy, G Longo, JR Cooperstock, RJ Zatorre
PloS one 4 (10), e7487, 2009
Musical reward prediction errors engage the nucleus accumbens and motivate learning
BP Gold, E Mas-Herrero, Y Zeighami, M Benovoy, A Dagher, RJ Zatorre
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (8), 3310-3315, 2019
Diagnostic performance of fully automated pixel-wise quantitative myocardial perfusion imaging by cardiovascular magnetic resonance
LY Hsu, M Jacobs, M Benovoy, AD Ta, HM Conn, S Winkler, AM Greve, ...
JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 11 (5), 697-707, 2018
Did “Minority Report” get it wrong? Superiority of the mouse over 3D input devices in a 3D placement task
F Bérard, J Ip, M Benovoy, D El-Shimy, JR Blum, JR Cooperstock
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2009
Biosignals analysis and its application in a performance setting
M Benovoy, JR Cooperstock, J Deitcher
Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-Inspired Systems and …, 2008
Robust universal nonrigid motion correction framework for first‐pass cardiac MR perfusion imaging
M Benovoy, M Jacobs, F Cheriet, N Dahdah, AE Arai, LY Hsu
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 46 (4), 1060-1072, 2017
Evaluation of an automated method for arterial input function detection for first-pass myocardial perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance
M Jacobs, M Benovoy, LC Chang, AE Arai, LY Hsu
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 18 (1), 17, 2016
Exploring the role of latency and orchestra placement on the networked performance of a distributed opera
A Olmos, M Brulé, N Bouillot, M Benovoy, J Blum, H Sun, NW Lund, ...
12th annual international workshop on presence 10, 2009
Difference between persistent aneurysm, regressed aneurysm, and coronary dilation in Kawasaki disease: an optical coherence tomography study
A Dionne, R Ibrahim, C Gebhard, M Benovoy, M Leye, J Déry, C Lapierre, ...
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 34 (9), 1120-1128, 2018
Second-line myocardial perfusion imaging to detect obstructive stenosis: head-to-head comparison of CMR and PET
LD Rasmussen, S Winther, A Eftekhari, SR Karim, J Westra, C Isaksen, ...
Cardiovascular Imaging 16 (5), 642-655, 2023
Towards emotional interaction: Using movies to automatically learn users’ emotional states
E Oliveira, M Benovoy, N Ribeiro, T Chambel
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Automated segmental analysis of fully quantitative myocardial blood flow maps by first-pass perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance
M Jacobs, M Benovoy, LC Chang, D Corcoran, C Berry, AE Arai, LY Hsu
IEEE access 9, 52796-52811, 2021
Role of music in a plastic surgery setting: a systematic review and meta-analysis
JA Zapata-Copete, MJ Cordoba-Wagner, HA García-Perdomo
Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 52 (02), 160-165, 2019
The rewarding aspects of music listening involve the dopaminergic striatal reward systems of the brain: An investigation with [C11] raclopride PET and fMRI
VN Salimpoor, M Benovoy, G Longo, K Larcher, J Cooperstock, A Dagher, ...
Neuroimage 47, S160, 2009
Audiovisual content generation controlled by physiological signals for clinical and artistic applications
M Benovoy, A Brouse, TG Corcoran, H Drayson, C Erkut, JJ Filatriau, ...
Proc. of the 3rd summer workshop on Multimodal Interfaces (eNTERFACE 2007 …, 2007
Deep learning-based approach to automatically assess coronary distensibility following Kawasaki disease
M Benovoy, A Dionne, BW McCrindle, C Manlhiot, R Ibrahim, N Dahdah
Pediatric cardiology, 1-9, 2022
Three automated quantitative cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion analyses versus invasive fractional flow reserve in swine
AJ Bradley, DW Groves, M Benovoy, SK Yang, S Kozlov, JL Taylor, ...
Cardiovascular Imaging 14 (9), 1871-1873, 2021
Automatic nonrigid motion correction for quantitative first-pass cardiac MR perfusion imaging
M Benovoy, M Jacobs, F Cheriet, N Dahdah, AE Arai, LY Hsu
2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1588-1591, 2015
Towards immersive multimodal gameplay
M Benovoy, M Zadel, R Absar, M Wozniewski, JR Cooperstock
GAMEON-NA, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2008
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