Shib Sankar Ganguli
Investigation of present-day in-situ stresses and pore pressure in the south Cambay Basin, western India: Implications for drilling, reservoir development and fault reactivation
SS Ganguli, S Sen
Marine and Petroleum Geology 118, 104422, 2020
Petrophysical heterogeneity of the early Cretaceous Alamein dolomite reservoir from North Razzak oil field, Egypt integrating well logs, core measurements, and machine learning …
S Sen, M Abioui, SS Ganguli, A Elsheikh, A Debnath, M Benssaou, ...
Fuel 306, 121698, 2021
Characterization of pore pressure, fracture pressure, shear failure and its implications for drilling, wellbore stability and completion design–a case study from the Takouazet …
R Baouche, S Sen, M Sadaoui, K Boutaleb, SS Ganguli
Marine and Petroleum Geology 120, 104510, 2020
Estimation of pore pressure and fracture gradient in Volve field, Norwegian North Sea
S Sen, SS Ganguli
SPE Oil and Gas India Conference and Exhibition?, D022S027R002, 2019
Modeling In-situ tectonic stress state and maximum horizontal stress azimuth in the Central Algerian Sahara–A geomechanical study from El Agreb, El Gassi and Hassi Messaoud fields
R Baouche, S Sen, R Chaouchi, SS Ganguli
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 88, 103831, 2021
Petrophysical assessment and permeability modeling utilizing core data and machine learning approaches–a study from the Badr El Din-1 field, Egypt
S Farouk, S Sen, SS Ganguli, H Abuseda, A Debnath
Marine and Petroleum Geology 133, 105265, 2021
Petrophysical and geomechanical characterization of the Late Cretaceous limestone reservoirs from the Southeastern Constantine Basin, Algeria
R Baouche, S Sen, SS Ganguli, K Boutaleb
Interpretation 9 (4), SH1-SH9, 2021
Assessing the Feasibility of CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery and Storage in Mature Oil Field: A Case Study from Cambay Basin
SS Ganguli, N Vedanti, I Akervoll, VP Dimri
Geological Society of India 88 (3), 273-280, 2016
Pore pressure and in-situ stress magnitudes in the Bhiret Hammou hydrocarbon field, Berkine Basin, Algeria
R Baouche, S Sen, SS Ganguli
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 103945, 2020
Petrophysical, geomechanical and depositional environment characterization of the Triassic TAGI reservoir from the Hassi Berkine South field, Berkine Basin, Southeastern Algeria
R Baouche, S Sen, SS Ganguli, HA Feriel
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 92, 104002, 2021
Deep thermal regime, temperature induced over-pressured zone and implications for hydrocarbon potential in the Ankleshwar oil field, Cambay basin, India
SS Ganguli, N Vedanti, OP Pandey, VP Dimri
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 161, 93-102, 2018
Assessment of reservoir stress state and its implications for Paleozoic tight oil reservoir development in the Oued Mya Basin, northeastern Algerian Sahara
R Baouche, SS Ganguli, S Sen, AE Radwan
Geosystems and Geoenvironment 2 (1), 100112, 2023
Integrated reservoir characterization of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic sandstones of the El Ouar field, Algeria
R Baouche, S Sen, K Debiane, SS Ganguli
Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering 194, 107551, 2020
Integrated Reservoir Studies for CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration: Application to an Indian Mature Oil Field
SS Ganguli
Springer, 2017
4D reservoir characterization using well log data for feasible CO 2-enhanced oil recovery at Ankleshwar, Cambay Basin-a rock physics diagnostic and modelling approach
SS Ganguli, N Vedanti, VP Dimri
Journal of Applied Geophysics 135, 111-121, 2016
An integrated petrographical, petrophysical and organic geochemical characterization of the Lower Turonian Abu Roash-F carbonates, Abu Gharadig field, Egypt–Inferences on self …
S Farouk, S Sen, SS Ganguli, F Ahmad, M Abioui, K Al-Kahtany, P Gupta
Marine and Petroleum Geology 145, 105885, 2022
Geological characterization of the Miocene–Pliocene succession in the Semliki Basin, Uganda: Implications for hydrocarbon exploration and drilling in the East African Rift System
S Mutebi, S Sen, T Sserubiri, A Rudra, SS Ganguli, AE Radwan
Natural Resources Research 30, 4329-4354, 2021
Fractal Theory and its Implication for Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation (API) of Geophysical Investigation: A Review
VP Dimri, SS Ganguli
Geological Society of India 93 (2), 142-152, 2019
Interpretation of gravity data using eigenimage with Indian case study: A SVD approach
SS Ganguli, VP Dimri
Journal of Applied Geophysics 95, 23-35, 2013
Integrated petrographical and petrophysical evaluation for reservoir management of the Upper Miocene Qawasim sandstones in West Dikirnis, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt
M Leila, S Sen, SS Ganguli, A Moscariello, M Abioui
Geoenergy Science and Engineering 226, 211789, 2023
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